2. Of Coffee Beans and Daydreams

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-I was going to work on this tomorrow or the day after, but I got a little too excited and did it today. This also may be WAY longer than I anticipated; so I apologize in advance-

Magnus made it back to his station slipping into the back room where he finally released the breath he'd been holding.

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. He'd actually done it. He spoke to the gorgeous blue-eyed boy. He'd been wanting to for so long, he couldn't believe he finally had. Everything was perfect, even if he'd only managed to get about 6 words from him.

Raphael walked up behind him "So how'd it go?"

Magnus composed himself and smoothed down his silken shirt before slipping his apron back on.

"It went well" he mulled over the thought as he washed his hands and reached for a towel to dry them.

"Well? That's what you call well? Poor guy I thought he was going to have a heart attack. Why do you even like him? He's so far in the closet I'm sure he's found Narnia. His outfit choices are abysmal. And his stubble tells me he clearly doesn't know how to shave or doesn't care. Not your type at all!"

Magnus gasped throwing the wet damp towel into Raphael's face. How dare he speak about his Alexander like that! Well not HIS Alexander, but hey, the day was still young.

"He just has something about him, those beautiful blue eyes." Magnus thought back to when he had first seen him.

Magnus wasn't exactly thrilled about his job, working with his roommate Raphael made it tolerable. Every day was the same, coffee zombies would come grumble their orders and leave. The occasional few would come and enjoy pastries with their caffeine. Every day the same. Except that day.

Raphael was manning the orders and Magnus was cleaning the tables when the bells at the door let them know someone had walked in. A scraggily looking boy walked in and looked around the near empty café. Magnus felt his heart drum a happy tune as he looked him up and down. Cute, a little scruffy, tall. Not bad, but then he caught his eyes. BLUE. The most gorgeous shade of blue that poets wrote anthologies about. He inelegantly ran behind the counter.

"You're at The Institute, what do you want?" Raphael muttered, giving up on using the designated saying that the owner had tried and failed to get him to use.

"Can I get a coffee?" replied the handsome boy.

"It's a coffee shop buddy. Be more specifi- OH MY GOD!" Raphael sassily replied before yelling as a flying bucket of water hit him hard.

Magnus dived in front of him locking eyes with the new stranger "Oh, clumsy me! Sorry Raphe. Maybe you should go to the back and clean up. I'll man the counter!" Never once turning to look at the mess he'd 'accidently' caused. Raphael muttered a string of curse words in Spanish under his breath.

"That's a dollar to the swear jar" Magnus sang as Raphael pleasantly gave him the finger and retreated to the back.

"So sorry about that I guess I'm a klutz today!" Still looking at the boy.

"Th-That's fine. I'm the same way" rushed out the boy their eyes still locked.

"So welcome to the institute! What do I have the honor of making for you today?"

"Small coffee. Black. Please." Was all he had as the boy finally ripped his eyes away. The most adorable tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Coming right up for you! What's your name?"

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