The Hunt for a Christmas Tree

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-This was meant as a contest entry, but in the end I wasn't TOO fond of how it turned out and decided to put it to the side. :) But what kind of monster would I be to put an already completed Malec moment in the bin? So here you guys go! :D Featuring a ship from one of my current favorite animes!- 

Alec trudged across the fresh snow that lay on the ground, an axe in hand already prepared for the task of the day. This would be the first Christmas where Magnus' home was his own, and as such this would be their first Christmas tree as a married pair. He'd never really cared for Christmas, but now, it felt like so much more. He would never have expected himself to be this happy, celebrating a holiday with the love of his life, much less to be married to said love. It had to be perfect, Alec would make sure of it!

"Alexander! Will you wait ONE moment for me?" cried out Magnus from several feet behind.

His boots, while incredibly fashionable, were not working well in this godforsaken white mess called snow. It was cute and whatnot, but being from Batavia, now Jakarta, Indonesia he wasn't rather fond of it. And his young husband was far too excited and that combined with his runes meant Magnus was being left behind.

He could admit however, that Alec being this excited was rather adorable, and although this wasn't their first Christmas together, it was their first as husbands and he as well was excited for making this year just that much more special. Even if it meant trying to keep himself from slipping and dying in this natural deathtrap of fluff. So much so, that they'd even portaled to a secluded forest in Denmark where Alec had read the best Christmas trees were grown. Even if it meant trying to keep himself from slipping and dying in this natural deathtrap of fluff. He trudged along slowly, and unfortunately, it wasn't long before he was left behind.

Alec searched for what felt like an eternity when he finally found THE ONE. It was a giant tree, but if he cut the trunk just enough, he knew it would fit into their home perfectly. The pine needles were the most vibrant green, and smelled amazing. He could already imagine it decorated. He turned back to call out to Magnus, who wasn't there. In all his excitement he'd lost him! Magnus would surely be annoyed with being left, but Alec knew once he saw how perfect the tree was, he'd be forgiven.

He raised his axe but before he could strike it, black thorns seemed to crawl around the trunk. He thought of it for a moment, but hit anyways resulting in an almost backhand of said thorns tossing him back like a rag doll. Once he managed to bring himself to his feet was when he saw it. The thorns, as if magically, sprang forth crawling towards him. Reaching for his axe and tossing it to the side. From the ground the black thorns seemed to grow, becoming a blobbed shadow before settling into the form of man. Except it wasn't a man, at least not completely. Its head was a skinless skull of what looked to be a wolf, with goat-like horns coming from the top. It's eyes, seemed like empty pits, except the flickering of red eyes. It was a stark difference compared to the body that was dressed in what looked to be an expensive suit.

A suit that now seemed to be ripped, Alec's fault.

"And why did you do that?" asked the skull.

What kind of demon WAS this? Alec panicked rushing to his feet he blindly reached for his weapon, one that wasn't there. He felt foolish for not bringing his bow, but Magnus' had assured him he wouldn't need it! And of all the times, this was not the one to be proven correct. He turned back, WHERE WAS MAGNUS?!

"Stay where you are demon!" he shouted out. As the skulled creature tilted its head to the side.

"Demon?" it asked in question, trying to understand the strange boy in front of him. "I am not a demon." It answered.

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