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"Magnus," Alec forced out barely above a whisper. "Magnus. It can't be over. It just can't."

The lanky shadowhunter was holding onto his lover as if his life depended on it, and in a way it did. His eyes still stung, a painful reminder that he'd be crying. It was so rare for him to cry, but in a moment like this, there was not much else he could do. This was normally where his Magnus would reach out and pat his messy hair to reassure him that things would be fine, but to be honest it didn't seem like that would be the case today.

"Alexander. It will be ok. Maybe not right now, but I assure you things will be ok." Magnus tried in futile to numb the ache he knew was going through his love. "Things will simply go back to how they were before. You'll realize it, loss like this, well it hurts but time will heal."

Magnus attempted to rub soothing circles on the much younger man's back. In his many years he knew what losing something you loved felt like. He'd gone through so many losses, he could take it. Sadly, it seemed Alec was struggling.

"But Mags" came Alec again, a fresh little sob rocking his chest. "How will he ever know now that she loved him? She didn't get to say she loved him! Or that she accepted him! Or that. Or that...." His voice cracked pathetically as the thought of unrequited love ran through his mind again.

"I don't know, Alexander," Magnus tried to reassure him. "people are still trying to save him. Be hopeful, there is still a chance."

"Magnus. Can't you do something about it? Use your magic?"

"Sadly, I cannot darling. This isn't something I can snap my fingers and make right again. This is in the hands of those who terminated him and those trying to save him."

"When will we know? How long will we wait?" Alec whispered out once more seeking further comfort in the arms of Magnus Bane.

"Days. Weeks. Maybe even more. Just be patient Alexander. Keep doing what you can, if you spread the word to those who follow you maybe the chance for success will be greater."

"You're right. I won't solve anything by being upset on this couch." Alec announced with fresh resolve. "I'm going to wash my face, march myself to the institute and will make it mandatory that all shadowhunters of the New York institute are to help with this mission!"

Alec stood from the couch and made his way to the bathroom to wash his face. Magnus let out a sigh, albeit happy that some motivation had once again made its way into Alexander. He pulled out his phone and dialed a familiar name and was happy when the voice on the other end picked up quickly.

"Is alec doing better?" asked Isabelle, eager to hear any update of her brother.

"He is. He's decided to go into work today, but be warned he has a some horribly mundane tasks for you all when he get's there" Magnus forewarned and almost giggled when he heard Izzy sigh on the other end.

"Magnus. I still CAN NOT believe he is THIS broken up about Lucifer being cancelled! It's a TV show!"

"I understand Isabelle, but it's the first TV show he actually enjoyed and sat through. It's also his first show cancellation. Just let him get this out of his system and he will be fine. And if it doesn't well, at least he will have all of that Deckerstar fanfiction to keep him happy. Thank goodness for the fandom!"

Isabelle laughed on the phone. "You are right Magnus. Hopefully he gets over this soon. It's already been a week. And I'm sure you are tired of rewatching the same three seasons over and over again with him."

Magnus could only chuckle. Poor Alexander had fallen in love with the TV show Lucifer and news of its cancellation had really hurt him.

"Alright Isabelle. Let me know if you need my help and I will portal right over."

"Will do Magnus! Thank goodness we aren't some TV show that could be cancelled. Imagine that there would be someone crying over us!" she laughed again over the phone. "But honestly they probably would only watch for their Malec going away."

"You are right about that, even though I'm sure in a show full of demons and angels and drama the relationship of a gay shadowhunter and a free-wheeling bisexual warlock wouldn't be the main focus."

"You'd be surprised. I've seen the internet Magnus! It's a terrifying and surprisingly very gay place." She said with a snicker.

The pair said their goodbyes and Magnus put the phone done. Isabelle was right, good thing they weren't some cheesy teenage drama TV show that could be cancelled.

-YO! So as a lot of you may have heard by now. Shadowhunters has been called. We will still receive season 3B and a 2 hour finale, but if you would like to maybe keep it going 

make sure you tweet, tag, share #Saveshadowhunters #SaveSH #PickupShadowhunters if you still want more Malec in your life!! 

Also if you would be so kind, please also tweet #SaveLucifer #RenewLucifer #PickupLucifer !!! :D Both of my favorite shows are being cancelled and all the attention we raise may help save them! :D So tweet away my darlings! 

Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below! How do YOU feel about the news of potentially NO MORE MALEC in our lives?? -

PS I am working on part 2 of baby Magnus story! 

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