6. Screen names and fluffy dictators

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Alec P.O.V

Alec walked side by side arms interlocked with Magnus down the streets of New York, and although he felt he should be panicking, at the moment he couldn't be happier. The world seemed to shine in a new light, they passed people and no one looked at them in disgust, Alec couldn't believe it. He'd always feared what would happen if anyone found out, and yet here he was walking next to a gorgeous man, and NO ONE batted an eyelash. They continued to walk making small talk about favorite shows and books, he was incredibly pleased that they both had a lot in common. After several minutes, they made it to the street corner and Alec realized where they were.

"Don't tell me Izzy gave you my address too!" Alec laughed realizing they were across the street from his building.

"What? No. Just your number. Why?" Magnus asked suspiciously.

Alec pointed to the old bricked building across the street "I live there" he stated perplexed.

Magnus burst out laughing. "Really?" He asked in surprise. "I live here!" he said pointing at the building they stood in front of. Had Magnus ALWAYS been this close to him and he didn't know?!

Once they made their way inside, Magnus opened the door to the cozy looking loft leading Alec inside.

"Welcome to my home neighbor, make yourself comfortable! I'll make drinks!" Magnus said before heading off to the kitchen.

Alec sat awkwardly on the couch trying to take everything in. He could hardly believe he was here, the home screamed Magnus, covered in bright colors and glitter. A stubby little cat rubbed against his legs.

"Hello little guy" he said reaching down to stroke just behind the cat's ears.

"So, I see you've met the chairman!" Sang Magnus, two cups in his hands. He handed one to Alec before joining him on the couch. "you like cats?"

"I do actually, I could never have pets, my dad was allergic" he replied taking the drink while still stroking the excited feline.


"His full name is Chairman Meow, it seemed fitting for the little dictator. He acts as if the world revolves around him."

"Some say pets are like their owners" Alec laughed "well, at least he's a cute dictator"

"Oh no honey, that's where you're wrong. I KNOW the world revolves around me" He finished with a wink.

The two sat together and continued their conversations choosing to discuss their opinions on movies, hours had passed yet the two never seemed to run out of things to say. The best part however, was the comfort that had grown. In between their talking the two had shifted, Magnus leaning back against Alec's strong chest an arm very gingerly placed above Magnus' stomach holding him close. Alec felt golden, the way Magnus' body fit perfectly against his sent shivers up his spine, and butterflies danced in his insides. He dared to think, maybe this was where he belonged, right here, with Magnus in his arms. Time continued to pass, and neither of them minded at all.

Magnus P.O.V

"He's crazy and homicidal but only does it to cause chaos no other reason, and THAT'S why Ledger is the best joker of our times!" he finished eloquently as Magnus took the last sip of his drink.

"I did not peg you for a batman nerd!"

Alec stopped a little embarrassed. "sorry, I get excited"

"no no! it just proves a point." He said with a smile, mindlessly running his fingers over the knuckles of Alec's hand sending sparks of sensation up his arm.

"What point?" Alec asked cautiously taking in the comment.

"Just that you are as amazing as the last chapter" He added sweetly.

Alec choked and coughed "what?" he shot back in terror.

"I made a prediction. That you'd be amazing and that I looked forward to finding out. And here I am, finding out"

Alec's mind reeled. No way. "That was YOU? You're Magicalfanboii?"

Magnus just nodded his head, incredibly pleased to have been proven right about Alec's secret identity.

"Yup! And I think it's safe to say you are a rainbow dressed in black?"

Alec looked awestruck. This had to be a prank or a dream or both. "I can't believe it.

Magnus shifted where he was to be able to look at him in his awe.

"why can't you believe it?"

"Just. It's you. I've read all your work. Your stories made me accept who I was. Gave me a glimpse of what I could maybe have! I've practically worshiped you!"

"Well, I do like being worshipped" whispered the other "but you aren't so bad yourself. I've come to really cherish your stories"

"I can't believe you even knew I existed! I love you!" He stopped dead in his tracks the moment he realized he'd let those words slip.

"I. I mean. Your work. You're pretty great. I mean. God don't freak out. I didn't mean it like. Well I might mean it like. just not yet. But. I." He stammered

Magnus looked at the boy who was flustered beyond words, as he tried to recover the small slip. Magnus however, couldn't help but smile, he'd said he loved him. Granted he understood that Alexander didn't mean them in the whole sense of the words, but in time, maybe he could. And oh, he looked forward to that day.

"just. Don't think I'm weird please. Magnus. I'm not good at this. I'm. I don't know" he continued in his panic.

Magnus chuckled softly to himself and leaned in stopping the boys nervous mouth with his lips.

"I know what you meant." He said finally, looking into the deep blue eyes that he'd loved since the moment he saw them. "and it's ok, I look VERY forward to the next time you say those words and mean them"

Alec looked at him and smiled, an honest and earnest smile, he leaned in this time to touch their lips together. He looked forward to it to.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★!- 

So it's finally over! :D I really did enjoy writing this story. Thank you guys who have been leaving such sweet comments! :) Who knows, I'm kind of tempted to make this be its own AU and write continuously on it, what are y'all thoughts on it? Yay or Nay? 

Regardless! New stories are on their way.- 

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