7. Victorious (epilogue)

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Alec pulled out his headphones. He walked out to the mats. His coach followed behind him a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"You ready kid?" he asked softly.

Was he ready? Absolutely. It had been five years, and now here he was. This time around, the games were in Paris. And he had cherished every moment of being in this country. It was the city of love after all. Japan had proven to be spectacular, He'd gone home three medals richer. 2 Bronze and a Silver, but this was his moment. He was going for gold. Truth was, as a gymnast he was getting too old to continue. At 24 he decided this would be his last year. And he planned on succeeding.

He stepped out to his introduction spot. He heard his name being called out by the announcers. Heard the cheers of his name through the arena.

The past five years had been insane. He'd gone from just being a stellar athlete, to an advocate, a voice. And he loved it. His coming out, had marked a huge moment in his career, and had inspired people across the nation. The entire community had welcomed him, rather than be ostracized, he had become something greater than he could dare hope And he'd made damn sure to deserve the respect. He'd spoken out, been a face to a generation of scared little boys, been a symbol that sexuality did not diminish talent.

Alec removed his jacket, the pride of USA marked on his shoulders, both figuratively and physically. He walked past the spotters that stood to the side. He made sure to greet them, and thank them for their dedication. He'd learned that so many years before. He brought himself onto the trampoline and made his way to the center. He waved out to the crowd, he saw the faces in the crowd filled with smiles and excitement. He spotted his sister, a big sign held up 'THIS TIME IT'S GOLD BIG BROTHER' it said. His brother Jace on his feet cheering, his father's face looked at him, a weak but still there smile on his lips. Progress. It had been rocky getting to a good place with him, but they'd managed it.

One.... Two.... Three jumps. He felt his body go airborne, felt the whoosh of air against his skin. Four.... Five.... Six. He could see the heights he was reaching, even higher than he had gone in practice. Seven.... Eight.... Nine.... Ten.... He reached his peak and executed his first jump a tuck that he performed flawlessly. Two more jumps a twist that he'd mastered when he was younger. Three more jumps another successful maneuver.

He gathered his momentum once more. He was so close to finishing. One... Two... Three... He reached a peek to the crowd and saw Magnus. Sitting next to his family, the biggest smile he could manage on his lips. He looked back ahead where he should have. Four.... Five.... he leaned in for a tuck before converting into a spin. He re-centered himself and continued again. He rubbed his thumb over the shiny silver band on his ring finger. A gift, and a promise, from Magnus. He smiled to himself, even if he lost today, he still had Magnus and that was always the greatest victory he could ask for. Still he wasn't planning on losing. He executed the final front tuck of his routine, landing it with a grace that most could dream of.

He came down, the explosion of cheers drowning out the commentary, but he didn't care. He climbed down. Raised his hands and faced the crowd. He saw them all, every face, proud of him.


Magnus held his breath, he was waiting for the final announcement. Every other athlete had done phenomenal, but he only cared about one. Isabelle held his hand tightly as all the athletes made their way to the podium. The final scores had been tallied, and they were announcing the winner for the trampoline division. He looked down and caught his fiancé's eyes and waved excitedly. The same smile he had come to love was on his Alexander's face. He could hardly contain his excitement. He'd been with him every step of the way, and now here he was, watching him finally be in reach of the dream he'd had almost twenty years before. He heard the names of the bronze and silver winner. He held his breath waiting for the name he wanted to be called out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, and receiving the gold in the 2024 Olympics, for trampoline. Representing TEAM USA.... ALEXANDER LIGHTWOOD".

-DONE! :D Finally. I don't think I'm going to be doing any more long chapter stories for a while. They take Forever! (I say this knowing full well I've already written another 5 part story) lol

And just like how he started, he ended. :D Look at our baby go!

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