Home is where the heart is

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Magnus awoke and felt the warmth of the body next to him. He turned to see his innocent face. Alec Lightwood, the perfect child of Maryse and Robert, was lying in his bed. Asleep he lost all the anger and angst that he carried when he was awake. He looked more beautiful at peace, even though, he was gorgeous awake. Magnus reached over and stroked his hand across his cheek, enjoying the feel of his cool skin, he liked the contrast on warm tan fingers.

It had been some time since they had met at the club, and they had become acquainted. Several weeks since the whole madness of Fairchilds, mortal instruments, and Valentine had begun. Yet here he was in his own little paradise, safe in his room with a very inexperienced shadowhunter boy. He was happy.

Alec, had definitely been a piece of work, a lot more bite, than he was bark. At first, he'd been so frosty towards him and pushed him away, yet now he was finally here. He'd even dropped his own wedding and chosen him above everyone. Magnus wanted to look at him forever, but sadly, he knew with the sun rising Alec would have to run away. Magnus leaned in close and lay a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Five more minutes" he mumbled sleepily.

"It's already morning" Magnus laughed getting out of bed and getting dressed quickly. He could always afford to let him stay longer. With outfit in check, he snapped his fingers, and make up was done. He tried again, this time a small kiss on the nose.

"Time to wake up my nephilim"

"Morning" he grumbled

"Good morning Alexander" he laughed as the boy sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. Normally by this point he was putting on his clothes from the night before and rushing out the door. Today he seemed to be drawing the moment out, but it wasn't like Magnus was complaining.

"What time is it?" he grumbled sleep still in his eyes

"A little past 6. Shouldn't you be running by now? Won't the blonde wonder and your adorable sister be looking for you? He inquired when he still saw Alec making no real movement to leave the bed.

"No. I've been granted a day off, I figured I'd spend the day with you." He finally noted. He looked over at Magnus and took in his outfit. "I'm sorry I should have asked. You have plans, I'll get out of your hair." He got out of bed quickly already putting on some clothes.

Magnus caught the look of sadness "I wish you would have asked, I'd have made plans to stay put all day"

"Sorry if I ruined it" he apologized again his shirt in now in place as he headed for the door. "I'm leaving now"

"Alexander, if you have the day off you are more than welcome to stay here as long as you want. I'm honestly only going out for a couple of hours at most. I just need to run a couple of errands."

Alec's eyes lit up at the confirmation he wasn't being a problem. "Errands?" he asked.

Magnus laughed. "Well yes, you normally leave early, and have been coming back in the evenings. I figured I knock out errands in the morning"

"I mean. I could help you with errands. If you need help that is" he fumbled out, looking for anything to hold onto Magnus a little longer.

"No. Nothing difficult. Just tedious. Since you've been coming over much more, I figured I go buy some groceries. I'm sure it would be nice to have actual food rather than just drinks in my fridge." He added nonchalantly. "Probably going to pick up some extra towels for when you shower. Some hygiene things too, since I assume you don't want to smell like lavender." He spoke so easily. Alec's heart bursting at the thought that Magnus wanted to make him more comfortable here.

"You'd do that for me?" he asked, a rosy tint on his cheeks.

"Of course! I enjoy having you here. I figured I'd add some things to make your stays easier"

"But why?" still he asked, unbelieving of the situation

"Why?" he asked back "it's simple. I want you to like being here, as much as I like having you here."

Alec looked at him in shock, moving in closer, he reached out to him. Strong arms wrapped around his frame as Alec's face buried against the crook of Magnus' neck. Other than his siblings, and they were sort of required to want him, no one had ever wanted Alec with them. It felt strange, but good. Yet here was this warlock, trying to go shopping with the intention of making him feel more at home.

Magnus ran his hand through his dark hair. "That is ok, right? I'm not overstepping any boundaries am I?"

"No! That's great. I love it. Thank you." He babbled on, moving back to look at him. "but you don't have to do that for me."

"I know I don't have to. I want to. Now make yourself at home. I mean unless you want to come with me to the store"

"Can I?" He beamed in excitement.

"Of course! But you may want to change. I have a new pair of pants and a tshirt in the closet for you. No glitter I promise"

"you have an outfit!"

"Of course, Alexander. I like to plan ahead. Never know when you'd need a change of clothes"

Alec's smile got even bigger. Yeah, this place was starting to definitely feel like home.

-Curious, would you guys like to read a story based on their actual shopping trip? I was thinking of doing a one shot about what comes next. Thoughts? -

★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

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