Glitter and Popsicle sticks Pt. 2

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"Look Mags, I'm not SAYING that the Taj Mahal is a bad idea, but you want to include the reflection pond and the garden and even include figures. This is middle school, not some fancy shmancy architecture school for buildings!" Alec sighed, trying so hard to maintain his ground. Unfortunately, he knew that he'd lose to Magnus. He normally did, he just couldn't say no to him.

"Alexander, but don't you understand! This is our chance to show out! Let them see how amazingly creative we are!"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure they see it. I mean you blind them every day you go to class with all the shiny crap you wear. And may the Angel forbid it's a shiny day, you could light up the world."

"Aww. Alexander. Are you saying I light up your world? I am so flattered? I never knew you felt that way!" Magnus semi-joked.

"What... I.... Didn't..... I mean.... I didn't say that.... It's just you are very shiny." Stammered Alec. His cheeks burning red, hell he could feel it to the tip of his ears. Why Did Magnus always have to say things like that?

Magnus beside him just laughed and continued to look online at pictures of the old building. He did enjoy teasing his best friend. Especially when it made an adorable blush come onto this skin. It wasn't easy being in love with your best friend. Lucky for him, Alec was always so busy worrying about something or trying to be too mature for his age, he was too dense to notice Magnus' feelings. Yet in hindsight, that was a good thing. If Alec didn't notice it. it meant their friendship didn't have to change. A friendship that meant WAY too much to him to risk losing.

"So, what would you like to do then?"

"I don't know. Great wall of China?" pondered Alec, it was big enough to impress but also simple enough for him and Magnus to finish within their allotted time.

"It's because I'm Asian isn't it! That's racist Alexander! My ancestors did NOT suffer through years of abuse for this!" Magnus feigned insult.

"What?! No! I didn't mean it like that!" protested Alec. His blush only burning brighter. Magnus beside him just laughed some more, he'd fallen for it again. "Besides! You aren't even Chinese! Hell, you probably are more glitter and sprinkles than you are human!"

"But you love me anyways!" teased Magnus playfully.

"Yeah, now come on! This great wall isn't going to build itself!" chided Alec, making his mind up for the both of them.

"Fine. Lucky for you we have a ton of popsicle sticks. And guess what else I brought." Magnus added in a sing-song voice.

"I swear. If you say glitter glue I'm going to use it to glue you to the bed!" threatened Alec.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" said Magnus with a wink. Drawing out another rich red blush from the pale boy.

"God, what crime did I commit to be stuck with you for all eternity! We need to find you a girlfriend!" said Alec, almost sadly. "And we aren't using glitter glue. I've told you a thousand times. You can't use that stuff for everything!"

"Oh no! A girl. Maybe I can climb a tree to escape," laughed Magnus "since that worked out so well for you when we were kids!"

Alec rolled his eyes and proceeded to take out the supplies. Mentally deciding that their project would NOT involve the god-awful glue Mags so lovingly carried with him everywhere. He could still feel the burning sensation on his cheeks. It really wasn't fair, tossing so many jokes like that at him. He needed to be better about not letting Magnus fluster him so much, his little secret would come flying out of the closet, alongside him. It really was hard being in love with your best friend.Lucky for him, Magnus was always so busy teasing and joking around, he was too dense to notice Alec's feelings. Yet in hindsight, that was a good thing. If Magnus didn't notice it. it meant their friendship didn't have to change. A friendship that meant too much to him to risk losing.

By the end of the week Magnus and Alec proudly displayed their project for the class to see. A big 'A+' on it, a reward for their effort. Their teacher had been beyond impressed, she'd never seen a great wall of China made using popsicle sticks and glitter glue.

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