5. Death of a Bachelor

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Isabelle snapped a quick photo and uploaded it to her Instagram. The caption 'he finally thanked his hero' underneath the cutesy picture of Alec and Magnus. There. That should get the internet off his back.

The rest of their meal had gone by flawlessly, as Alec and Magnus hit it off. They'd even come to realize they lived pretty close to each other in New York and had both been placed in the same hotel by the organization.  Isabelle and Raphael both were two happy mother hens watching their respective brother and friend open up.

"Can we do this again?" Asked Alec when they were all saying goodbye.

"I'd love that. Maybe without the others"

"Even better" smiled Alec, a good open smile that made Magnus' insides dance.

The group said goodbye as Alec and Isabelle made it home.

"He was cute" teased his sister playfully.

"Yeah. He was" was all Alec said. Isabelle known he was gay for years now. She was the only one. And the few moments in between when he didn't have to put up a wall were cherished.

"Will you be seeing him again?" she asked excitedly looking over to him.

"We'll see" he muttered. A smile still glued to his face.

The next day Alec woke up early, his headphones in his ears, as he went in for warm ups. His family wouldn't be joining to later, so he was granted the peace of silence as he did his practices. His first event wouldn't be for another 2 hours. He stopped to wonder if Magnus would be here too. Would he be ring side again? He gave a little smile. That would be nice.

Practice went by rather quickly as he changed into his team's designated uniform. His coach had been rather silent this morning, had finally gone to his side and handed him a water.

"Quite a stunt you pulled yesterday" he started.

"Yeah. Sorry coach. I got distracted, won't happen again."

"I would hope not. But you do whatever makes you happy kid. I've been working with you for years. About time you let your true colors show through"

Alec was confused. What? True colors? Maybe his coach was a little jetlagged. Besides, his fail was 2 days ago. He'd been off yesterday. Whatever. He didn't decide to question it.

"Just keep your head up. A lot of reporters are going to have their eyes on you today. It's not every day they get a bombshell thrown to them."

"Trust me coach. I have no intention of falling today"

His coach laughed, a good hearty laugh. "Trust me kid. No one thinks about falling until they are already in too deep and can't live without the other."

Alec shook his head. Clearly, he was missing something.

They walked out the training room doors and onto the floor. His coach had been right as dozens of cameras and people in way too many languages for 8 in the morning crowded him.

"Alec so what can you tell us about your spotter?.. Is it something serious?...... Will this affect your performance this year.... Are you trying to send a message?...... Son novios?...... "

Alec tried to brush them off, he'd learned to ignore reporters as much as possible.

"Alec! What can you tell us about your mystery hero?" screamed out one more grabbing his arm.

"He's amazing. He saved me even if I didn't know it. I couldn't be more grateful to have had him there" was what he forced out. As a wave of aww and smiles passed. He didn't get it.

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