The Most Magical Place in the World

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Disney was the most wonderful place on earth, well it was, unless you were Alec Lightwood.

He had just turned 18 and at his father's request he sought out a job. Unfortunately for him, the only place that called him back was Disney. Originally, he'd applied there as a joke, he was so sure that literally anything else would have called him, at least before the house of mouse. Nope, nothing. SO, when it dwindled down to it. There he was.

Now normally, his job was left to running the small gift shop in the fantasy land of the area, and he could survive it. Today, the universe had different plans, and it was ALL that guy Magnus' fault.

Magnus had burst into the little shop and ran straight for the counter. "Alexander! Alexander!" he cried.

"Yeah? What is it Magnus, are you ok?" Alec asked once the other boy was finally catching his breath.

"Disaster! Death! Chaos! Oh Alexander all of the above!"

Alec stopped a laugh, Magnus was such a drama queen. Since starting the job Magnus had been the silver lining, they started almost the same day and had survived orientation together. However, Magnus was there by choice, he had snagged a spot in the character and makeup department and he took his job much more serious than Alec.

"What happened Magnus, start from close to the end" he said.

"Alexander, shouldn't it be from the top? You know start from the top?"

Alec shook his head, "look Magnus, if I tell you start from the top we'll be here till tomorrow. Just tell me close to the end"

Magnus shook his head and gracefully gave a condensed version. "Prince Charming isn't here! And I've been tasked to find a replacement, do the makeup, and have him ready to go in less than two hours! I'm going to be fired!"

"well that sucks. I'm sure it will work out. Let me know if I can help" Was all Alec said, unfortunately that's all Magnus needed.

"Oh THANK YOU! I knew I could count on you! Come on let's go!" Magnus grabbed his hand and practically dragged him out of the shop. Maybe it was the fact that it was Magnus holding his hand, or the fact that his heart was beating loud enough to block out his brain, but Alec didn't protest until it was far too late.

Alec sat in the make-up chair in full blown panic. How had he gotten himself in this mess? Magnus had thrown a costume at him and instructed him to put it on, and to make matters worse had stayed in the room watching him get dressed for 'in case he needed to make adjustments'. This was a nightmare, Alec thought to himself.

"Alexander! If you keep scratching your face it's going to keep smudging!" Magnus protested.

"It's itchy!" he shot back

"Beauty is pain! Embrace it!"

"Easy for you to say!"

The banter continued. Past all his protests, Alec a little pleased with this, this was the most time he'd ever spent with Magnus, even if it meant make up and itchy costumes.

"Viola!" Magnus shouted twisting the chair so Alec could see the work.

Alec lost his breath when he saw it. He looked magical, Magnus had done such a great job. His normally pale skin had a golden tint, his eye lashes looked a hundred times longer, his eyes so much bluer. It was official, Magnus was magical.

"You like?" Magnus cooed by his ear, another round of blush on his cheeks.

"Yes. I don't know how you did it! You made me look good!" Alec stared at himself in the mirror, really amazed at the power of makeup, it being able to make him look like a prince was nothing short of miracles.

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