7. Alec and the King of Hearts

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Magnus sat solemnly on his throne looking out at the emptiness. Wishing it could be filled again like it had been at the party. He missed the party. His thinking was interrupted suddenly when he heard the commotion of his guards. He went to inquire and was shocked at what he saw. Clary was trying to enter into his court and beside her. A familiar boy with black hair.

"Let them in! He needs an audience with the king!" she commanded out as the pair were permitted entrance into his presence. He hadn't expected this. Why was he here? He thought back to having waited at the park. He would not fall for this again.

"You need to go" he commanded out and turned to walk away.

"Magnus! Wait! No!" came Alexander's voice. Freezing him in place. "I just got here! Do you know how it felt to have a random VAMPIRE show up at my home? And explain to me about this RANDOM WORLD that existed. You can't just tell me to leave! My life is in a disarray! I deserve to be informed what is going on" he protested.

"Deserve?" Magnus shot back. "How I apparently deserved to be left waiting on a stupid bench. After you promised to be there? You deserve to leave this place before I have you removed" was all he said back bitterly.

"Magnus. I'm sorry. I didn't go because I didn't know! I lost those memories"

Magnus froze. Recalling the instructions he'd given to Catarina. They'd 'be merry and then wiped clean'. Was that what happened? How stupid of him to forget, so caught up in a boy to displace that important bit of information.

"Regardless. A mundane does not belong in my court. Never should have from the beginning. Clary take him back to where you found him. And pray I do not hold your disobedience against you." He warned.

"Magnus! Can you at least give me my memory back? Just because you want to forget me. Doesn't mean I want to forget" he shot out quickly.

"Well you don't have a choice" he said, even past a broken heart. This was all he could think to protect himself.

"Magnus?" he cried out again.

"Leave. You'll do better forgetting me anyways. You were fine before when you forgot me yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that as well. You will be fine when you still don't remember me tomorrow." He said walking away.

Alec could have taken it like that, walked away, and lived his normal life. He could have, he would remind himself later, but not today.

He walked past Clary and headed straight for the king. He grabbed his shoulders and spun him around. Forcing him to look at him.

""It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then." He started. "But I do know. Whatever memories I lost, are mine and I want them back"

"Well child. I am neither warlock nor diary, I cannot give them to you" he said sadly. Looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.

Alec looked at him. And despite all of the glorious advice he could give himself. Even despite knowing he was about to throw himself into a world full of monsters and demons. He grabbed the fabric of Magnus' shirt and pulled him in. He crushed his lips against the shocked man's.

He pulled back, and as if a light had come on. A little door had opened, bringing with it magic and mayhem. He looked at Magnus the same way Magnus had looked at him those weeks ago.

"Alexander. Whatever did you do that for?" proclaimed Magnus in confusion. Not that he regretted the kiss. It had just startled him. "Go on. You should leave. Please. And please understand I never says please"

"Well. I am sorry to disappoint, but I seem to have forgotten you once before." He said. A warmness growing back into him. "I don't intend on doing it again. And if it isn't too late, you said you were in your own little world, would you mind letting me back into it?"

Magnus looked at him in shock. "You remembered me?" he asked, a pleasure blossoming.

"For the most part, but things are a little fuzzy. I might need to kiss you again" he said.

"Well that can be arranged." He said. Whatever barrier he'd tried to put up earlier crumbling like sand on the beach. "Let me help you remember then" he said, his lips already closing in on the strangely wonderful boy.

Magnus realized it then. He couldn't just let him go. Whatever pain he'd endured days ago, melted as this gorgeous boy stood in front of him. Come what may. He'd hold on to him. Forever.

"Alice: How long is forever?

White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second."
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

-Alrighty ladies and gentlemen, thus concludes my random adventures in an alternate universe Malec. :D For those who did not catch it, this is loosely themed around Alice in wonderland (One of my favorite stories) Hope you guys enjoyed! 

-★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

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