Shopping Lists

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"Stop! Alexander! Oh my GOD! Stop! I'm going to die" Magnus screamed out, grasping onto the sides of the basket for dear life. Behind him Alec ran pushing the shopping cart, then placing his feet on the bar, as the both rolled in the parking lot. The parking lot was still rather empty considering it was barely past 730 in the morning, yet a small collection of people had gathered, all looking at the pair. They didn't really care, some of them just mumbled something about the generation being weird, most others laughed with them. When the cart finally rolled to a stop the two laughed until they were red in the face.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this!" Magnus cried out, carefully climbing out of the basket, finally acting like the 400 year old adult he was.

"Excuse me?" Alec asked out "It was your idea! I merely encouraged it!" he laughed, a sound so sweet. Magnus was enjoying this fun side of Alec.

The pair walked into the store with no actual plan in mind. "I probably should have asked what you even eat before I went shopping" Magnus mused, in reality, he didn't know Alec that well. "Where do we even start?"

"Well. Lucky for you. I'm here to help" he added with a laugh.

They had of course started in the produce department as Magnus picked some things and threw them in the cart.

"You like red grapes?" asked Alec peering inside to cart.

"Of course! They are sweet! Do you not?"

"They are ok. I prefer green ones"

"But they are sour!" protested Magnus"

"Not always. Some of them can be sweet too"

"Kind of like you" Magnus finally thought, noticing a blush creeping up on the other's face.

"Ok, what about apples?" Asked Alec already reaching over for the brightest red he could find.

"not much of a fan" Magnus responded with a wave of the hand.

"What! How do you not like apples! They are good for you!"

"I don't know. Just not particularly fond of them"

"You know what they say. An apple a day keeps the doctor away" laughed Alec to his side, placing a couple in a bag and placing them in the cart, he was getting himself apples.

"You know what else keeps doctors away, Alexander?"


"Magic and active sex life; so you and I should be good from doctors" he added with a wink. Alec's face now matched the apples he'd thrown in the cart.

"I... I'm... pretty sure that's not accurate" he stuttered out.

"We'll see about that" he joked back "what next! How about cucumbers!"

"Cucumbers? Yeah, those are ok" Alec answered slightly concerned over the amount of enthusiasm Magnus had said it.

"Yes cucumbers! I'm sure we could find a really nice, thick and juicy one." He added with a wiggle of his eye brows and a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Wouldn't you like that my dear?" A wink in his direction.

"NOPE!" Alec yelped out grabbing the basket and pulling it along, Magnus in tow "We're done in this department" His face burning, Magnus meanwhile laughed the entire way.

They continued their walk going into the cereal aisle. "ooh, cereal! Let me guess, you like...." Magnus mused over the colorful boxes trying to find one he thought Alec would enjoy. "THIS ONE!" he excitedly reached over to grab a rain bran box and passing it to the shadowhunter.

"Why do you think this one?" he asked curiously

"It's good for you. Source of fiber and it isn't too sweet" Magnus answered convinced he was correct.

"Wrong" Alec laughed placing the box back and grabbing a much more colorful one. "I'm a fan of Fruit Loops, but Cheerios is a pretty close second" as he added a box of each into the cart.

"I see you are a fan of small holes" he added with another wink. "but I should already know that"

"STOP IT!" Alec protested out his face a new shade of crimson. Any more and he was convinced that would be his new face.

"And deny myself the pleasures of seeing you blush? Not a chance"

Secretly Magnus was pleased, he really enjoyed fruit loops as well. Consider it a guilty pleasure of his when he was too tired or lazy to summon food.

"What's your favorite cereal?" asked Alec when he could finally think as straight as was possible for him.

"I like Fruity Pebbles to be honest, but fruit loops is another favorite"

"Small, packed with flavor, and rainbow, and super sweet. Yeah sounds about right for you" Alec added with a laugh, two could play at that game.

"You would know" another wink.

They moved on areas, finding desserts and ice cream. "Let's get ice cream!" came the excited response of Alec.

Magnus stopped to think, this wasn't like the boy he'd come to know. Now granted this was so much better. Alec was being open, playful even. He liked this side of him.


"Hmm?" he responded busy looking at all the flavors of the frozen dessert.

"You're acting strange" he could see the instant change, the way Alec's shoulder tensed back. A sharp inhale of breath as he stood back like a soldier.

"I'm sorry?" he whispered out quickly.

"No!" Magnus yelled out. Feeling terrible to have caused this. "I didn't mean it in a bad way" He reached over, his hand on Alec's arm willing him to turn to look at him. "It's nice. You seem more relaxed. It's a great thing. I've just never seen it before." He felt as Alec seemed to relax a little but still maintained a little bit of frigidness

"I like grocery shopping" was all he said.

"That's good. I don't, but I'm having a fun time shopping with you. Why do you like it?"

"I don't know. It's peaceful. Izzy and Jace hate it. So normally I go. It's like a quiet time. Plus I get to pick what I want!"

"So, the mighty shadowhunter likes grocery shopping. Interesting" smiled Magnus joining beside him. He opened the door and grabbed a container of vanilla.

"You like that one?" asked Alec. "It's my favorite"

"Mine too! Let's grab some whipped cream for a sundae!" he said in excitement. "And who knows, maybe for other things!"

"Well lucky for you. I do know other ways to use it too" Alec shot back at him with a wink. This time Magnus blushing hard. "Can't wait to show you later"

"I think we have enough groceries!" he shot out quickly beelining for the registers

They checked out quickly, and just as fast, rushed their way home. Magnus learning so much more about him just by his choices appreciated the fact that Alec had come with him. As they walked into the apartment, Magnus couldn't help but smile. Grocery shopping had been an excellent choice. He couldn't feel closer to him. Definitely would have to do this again. And considering they'd only bought sweets, they'd have to go much sooner than later. 

Once all the things were put away Magnus smiled and got in to an embrace. A warm smile on Alec's face as he happily returned the hug and placed a kiss on his lover's lips.

"Hungry?" Asked Magnus

"Starving" was the answer as he pulled Magnus towards the bedroom. 

-★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

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