1. A Magnificent Magnus Christmas

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Magnus and Alec cuddled on the couch enjoying a movie on the television. The empty containers of take out from Takis still on the coffee table in front of them, a drink in Magnus' hand, some sprite for Alec.

"This is nice" Magnus muttered happily, his head nestled in comfortably against Alec's chest, the shadowhunters arm wrapped gingerly across his shoulder. "Are you sure you have to go? You could stay the night.'  You know what that song says 'baby it's cold out there'. "

Alec let out a laugh, truthfully, he didn't want to leave either, but tomorrow morning was a work day. "Sorry Mags, I really can't stay." He groaned after standing up, his body a little achy from having sat for so long.

Magnus stood with him and joined him at the door, he helped wrap him up in a jacket and loving tied a bright blue scarf around his neck. Alec smiled, he really did like the scarf, it was gift.  Magnus pulled in on the ends of the scarf and lay a simple kiss on his boyfriend's nose. 

Magnus could for the first time in centuries say he was truly happy. It had been several months since this clumsy and loveable shadowhunter had come into his life, and now with the holidays and end of the year approaching he was content with his lot.

"So, I was thinking" he started, removing a small piece of lint from his Alexander's shoulder, any excuse to keep touching him.

"And what where you thinking Magnus Bane" laughed Alec, not really making any efforts to leave.

"How about Saturday night, you come over, we have some dinner and play some music and see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves"

Alec stopped for a second and looked at him. "Magnus, that's Christmas though."

"I know, you silly boy, I own a calendar. What do you say?"

"I'm sorry. I can't."

"Oh. You had plans" Magnus said out sadly.

"Yeah. It's tradition, me, Jace, Izzy watch movies and open presents at the institute. Sunday night I can swing by though."

"Party?" Asked Magnus.

"Yeah. I mean you throw a party for your cat! I figured you'd be throwing the biggest Christmas party in New York so I made plans to spend a quiet evening on Saturday, but I'll definitely swing by the party on Sunday

Magnus looked at the boy a little dumbstruck. "Oh yeah! Party, you are right, silly me. I probably will spend all day Saturday planning and getting ready. Must have slipped my mind!" he said a little sadly.

"Well now I really have to go! I'd hate to get caught in a snowstorm! Bye Mags" he said, leaning in for a final kiss against his lips and making his way down the stairs.

Magnus watched him until he was beyond his line of sight and closed the door slowly. Chairman Meow closed in and cuddled softly against his leg, a sympathetic meow towards his owner. Magnus bent down and picked up the bundle of fur and held him tight against his chest.

"I guess it's just you and me for Christmas again Chairman."

Alec had gotten at least part right, Magnus was known for his parties. Unfortunately, Christmas was different. Christmas was a time for lovers and family, and although Magnus was more than capable of throwing probably the best celebration in New York, he never wanted stranger in his home in what he thought was a more intimate day of celebration.

He looked at his phone and looked through his contacts. Out of hundreds of names and numbers he knew he really wouldn't have anyone else to spend it with.

Truth be told, he HAD tried parties, but more often than not, it was dull and filled with lonely people. Those with families and close friend seldom went, and Magnus Bane was a lot of things, but he was no counselor. After one too many drunken and crying werewolves or vampires had whined about the holiday, Magnus had stopped hosting them all together. That had been almost two hundred years past, at least.

Saint Catarina would probably continue her Christmas tradition of volunteering to spend the full day at the hospital or at one of the many clinics around town. She'd invited him a couple times and he'd gone for the sake of not being on his own, but ultimately, he wasn't as generous and loving as she was. So that had ended after a handful of years.

Raphael would probably be off doing that 'posada' thing he did every year with his living sister. He'd also spent a couple of years trying to spend them him, but like before it really wasn't his scene. The celebrations of Raphael and Rosa Santiago were beautiful, but tended to be religious and close knit. Although Raphael was welcome to him participating, Magnus decided that it was something too personal, and felt he was intruding. So that too failed.

Dot was off visiting family, and he could practically HEAR Ragnor laughing from beyond the grave if he even so much as thought of inviting him.

Christmas time was always like this for him, lonely. He never could find a good place to fit in and spend them. He settled into the couch and gave a deep sigh. He wasn't entirely sure why he was so disappointed this year. It's not like it was his first lonely holiday. Hell, at this point he was already well into the triple digits on how many times he'd spent them alone. Silly him, thinking this year would be any different.

-This will be a themed Christmas Story! Probably 2 part. :D So let's get to know each other. What do you normally do on Christmas Eve, Or Christmas Day! What kind of holidays do you celebrate? Let me know down below! :) Don't forget to Fave and let me know your thoughts! -

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