4. Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered HoneyYou Just Haven't Thought of It Yet

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-A/N so I put this part up a couple of hours ago. And no one touched it or anything not even my wonderful usuals. So I went back to check. I forgot to publish. FML-

-For the record. Yes. Every title in this story line WILL be a Panic! At the disco or Fall out boy song title. xD  BUT DANG IT why are their song titles so LONG!-

Alec was a little happy to be out of the room at least here his other siblings, and his mother, couldn't ask him about his feelings anymore. He'd been frustrated since yesterday and the fact that his family's idea of coping was just reminding him that it was only a metal. To them maybe, to Alec, it was a lifelong goal. He'd been dreaming of it since he was 4 and now he'd have to wait another 5 years to try to qualify. It frustrated him to no end they couldn't understand, yes there were other events, but not the trampoline. Oh well, of course they wouldn't understand, he never talked about things like this.

Izzy adjusted her outfit and walked inside. Her grouchy brother close behind her. They made their way to the hostess area of the restaurant.

"How many?" Inquired the girl already grabbing some menus

"Two" muttered Alec, his eyes searching for treasure in the carpet, anything to keep from making eye contact.

"Actually" interceded Isabelle. "Meeting with friends. Under Santiago."

"Ok. They're already here. Follow me"

"Santiago? We don't know any Santiagos. What's going on Iz?"

"Nothing!" she smiled innocently. "Just getting some brunch food with friends. And his name is Raphael Santiago. Great guy! Sure you'll like him!" she encouraged.

Alec didn't argue, he was already here, and the smells of fresh pancakes already were screaming his name. He followed behind Isabelle until they stopped at a table. He quickly looked to see who was there. Some random pale boy stood to pull open Isabelle's chair while another boy just stared at him. Alec stared right back, she'd found the spotter.

Isabelle Lightwood, was a lot of things, and her brothers wing(wo)man was her pride and joy at the moment. Even if he didn't know it yet. This had been entirely too easy. She'd made a comment on the video, and within a couple of hours Raphael had sent her a PM giving her all the information she needed on her target. Lucky for her, both he and Magnus were free and had agreed to meet her and Alec. And from the look of shock on Magnus' face, Raphael had done the same thing she had.

"Hello Magnus it's a pleasure to meet you!" She stated over, but was completely ignored. Magnus' entire attention was completely placed on staring at her brother, who looked like he was about to die.

"Don't mind him" replied Raphael, taking a sip of his water. "When it comes to guys he likes his brain can't function to anything else."

Isabelle took a seat and laughed. She knew that all too well, imagining the fact that his brain was probably on red alert.

**meanwhile in Alec's head***

**meanwhile in Alec's head***

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