5. Wonderland Lost

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-A/N What's a good hangover cure? Alec might need one!-

Alec awoke the next morning and practically threw his phone across the room. The stupid alarm he'd set way too damn early made the pain in his head feel worse. What had happened last night! He tried to remember, but was confused when everything seemed to be a hazy blur. Had he drunk too much? That didn't seem like him. Maybe he'd been drugged, but here he was safe and sound in his own home. Whatever it was, his poor brain, was regretting its existence this morning. He looked at his phone the time read 1030 in the morning. He couldn't fathom why he had set that alarm. He didn't work till 4 that afternoon. He checked his phone and saw a forwarded message from Jace. A picture of the two of them in their masks. Strange. He tried once again to piece together his memory and failed. Whatever he did last night was left to nothing more than a drunken haze and this picture. Shame he felt like he would have liked to remember, he shook off the concern, and proceeded to deleted every horrid alarm he'd somehow set.

Another thing, he'd set 4 alarms. One had gone off at 830 another at 9 and one more at 10 and then this one. What on earth had been so important for him to set so many alarms? Apparently drunk Alec was an ass who didn't feel hungover Alec needed sleep.

Jace seemed to be in just a poor shape as him. "Hell of a party huh!" he said to him entering his room and finding his brother sprawled across the bed.

"I couldn't tell you. My head's pounding. Why'd you let me drink so much?" he cried out.

"You can't remember it either?" He asked in surprise. He figured Jace would at least be able to fill the holes of last night. "Dude, all I got is blurry and I think I met a girl. Janice? Karen? Man I don't know. Try me again later, maybe I'll remember something when I'm actually awake." He grumbled going back to sleep.

"Just. Don't you think it is a little weird? Neither of us remember anything. You know how I am, I don't drink much if ever. There is no chance for me to have gotten that drunk to black out. And how did we get home? Did we walk all the way back drunk and still manage to get changed into pajamas? Don't you think it's a little strange?"

Alec rambled on for several more seconds until he was silenced by a pillow hurled at the back of his head.

Jace grumbled angrily before sitting up and locking eyes with his brother. "Alec. Has anyone ever mentioned, you talk too much?"

"Surprisingly, no" he joked back tossing the pillow back at him.

"Well, I am, so shut up. I'm sure you will remember later. Get some coffee, read a book, do whatever nerds do and I'm sure it will be fine. Now will you leave me alone? It takes a good quantity of sleep to looks THIS good. Now beat it" he said to him before rolling over and pulling the blankets tightly over his head.

Alec walked away, he knew pestering Jace wouldn't help much. He made his way to their shared living room and turned on the tv. A look over at the clock showed it was 11am. 

He couldn't help but feel a nag in his mind telling him he was late, for a very important date, one that he couldn't remember at that moment.

Truth was. He never did remember, and as the days flew by the mystery of his missing memories faded away.


Magnus had been particularly good that day. He awoke early, chose his best outfit, and made his way to the park. The excitement of getting to see Alexander made him almost giddy. It had been centuries since he'd felt this way, and about a mundane! He walked gently past the greenery, running his hands gently across the bark of the old tree. In his hands, a small bushel of gorgeous flowers in every color of the rainbow. He's used his own faerie magic to make them glow, almost as bright as he was sure his heart was at the moment. He found the bench, with a wave of his hand the morning dew residing. Even nature bowed to the Seelie king. He sat down softly. Heard the sounds of a clock bell announce the time. 10am. Yes, he was early, yes it was strange. He normally was late as he loved to make an entrance. Yet here he was. Sitting on the bench waiting. Eleven could not come fast enough.

Noon came and went. Then 1 then 2. Nothing. He had been right yesterday. Alec had blown him off. And worse off, he'd fallen for it. He'd reduced himself to a love sick child and waited for someone who never came. In frustration, he stood, refusing to continue sitting on a stupid bench like an abandoned dog at the park.

"You promised" he spoke out to nobody and turned to make his way back home. This had been a mistake.

It was several tedious moments before he entered back into his world. His guards bowing to him, he didn't even spare them a glance. He walked in angrily.

"My king Magnus! Where in all of EDOM have you been! The guards and myself have been looking for you! You disappeared!" Catarina joined beside him.

He held up a hand. "Catarina, I do not need your words nor your concern. If I want to hear you, I will command it. Now be silent or I will carve that active tongue of yours and feed it to the children of the moon." He spat out with a venom that made her shiver.

"Throw these away" he ended coldly, pressing a bouquet of withered and black flowers into her hands.

He stormed away. He didn't need her words. He didn't need anything. He closed himself off, and let his bitterness grow. He didn't need friends. He realized it was better to be feared, than loved. How had the king become the fool?

Catarina stood behind him and just watched as he went. She stared down at the murdered plants in her grasp. The plants seemed to be as broken as he was.

-Sitting on a bench waiting for something sucks. :)

★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

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