24 CARROT Magic

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This whole thing came to be because i read a fanfiction by GlitteryGidae and I mistook something for a bunny. xD Next thing I knew. Bunny fanfictions xD

Why couldn't Magnus just have a peaceful day? Today, he didn't feel like doing anything, he just wanted to lay in his bed. He didn't want to pick up his phone, he should have just let it go to voicemail, but no. He had answered for his client. Magnus paced around his loft impatiently. He hated to have to ask for help, especially from the blond wonder, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He recalled the awkward conversation when he called Isabelle, and was even more upset when Jace had been standing beside her.

"Isabelle, there's been an accident. I need your help to save Alec" he had started out of breath after running up the stairs to his building.

"Is he alright? Is he hurt?" came the cries of his boyfriends parabatai, Jace.

"He's more or less fine. James. I just need Isabelle to come help me. Simple as that. Please come" he said impatiently hanging up the phone.

It was several minutes before he heard the knock on his door, and let out a breath of frustration, Isabelle was here and so was everyone else.

Isabelle, Jace, Clary and Simon all walked into his loft looking around for whatever danger could have prompted Magnus to ask for help.

"Where is Alec?!" Yelled out Jace too close into Magnus' bubble, that he was tempted to zap him.

"That's one of the problems. I kind of LOST him." He muttered out in shame.

"Lost him? How do you 'LOSE' him?" started out Jace angrily, as zapping him seemed like a better idea than before. "He's a grown man! How do you lose someone who is 6 feet tall!"

"And that's the second problem" muttered Magnus again, pinching the bridge of his nose. This was giving him a headache.

Magnus retold them the story. He'd been working on a spell for a client, Alec had been beside him watching him at work. He did his normal things, but it wasn't until Alec decided to help that things went haywire. He'd gone off to grab some ingredients from the shelf and on his way back managed to trip over his own feet, resulting in the items in his possession to drop into the pot. And in a final moment of grace, he'd pulled the pot onto himself, before he hit the floor. Magnus had been too slow to react, and when it was over his normally extremely tall boyfriend was no longer there. Instead, he'd found a bunny. A tiny, little, defenseless bunny.

"Well that doesn't sound like a huge problem" started Clary. "Just turn him back. Where is he?"

"And that's the third problem" said Magnus. "Well you see. The Chairman decided he wanted to be a predator-"

"DID THE CHAIRMAN EAT ALEC!" interrupted Simon

"No. He did NOT" Magnus stammered out angrily. "He chased him. And before I could stop him, Alec went out through the doggy door" he answered pointing to the small flap that was close to his main door.

"Why do you have a doggy door?" asked Isabelle.

"Does it matter???" he cried out, frustrated that this was taking entirely way too long to explain. "Chairman sometimes likes to explore the building! I didn't want to open the door anymore. So, I put in a stupid doggy door. Now back to matter at hand. I need help finding Alec"

The group ran out the door. Taking all the steps down carefully, just in case a stray rabbit was in the steps. They ran out the door and were disappointed to not have seen him. What if he was in one of the rooms. Jace was trying to track him to no avail, he knew he was close, but where was the issue.

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