Tale As Old As Time

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-Well if you look at that! I'm still alive and am uploading! Enjoy some fluff! But be warned. This one is LONG-


Until all the petals fall

Magnus paced around his room in a circle. The sparks of his magic just at his fingertips. He was overthinking. He knew he was. On his table lay a dying rose. Remnants of a good memory that now seemed to be fading too quickly for his liking.

This had all begun almost 8 months ago; Magnus, Alec, and the boys had all cuddled in together to watch Beauty and the Beast for maybe the fifteenth time and had gotten to the part where Belle discovered the rose when their youngest son, Max, sprang up from the couch.

"Papa! Papa!" he yelled out and was quickly hushed by his older brother Rafael who, although wouldn't admit it in public, was actually rather fond of this movie.

"Papa" Max said out again in his best whisper. Which to be honest was only one octave quieter than before. "Look at the rose! It's a special love rose!" he pointed at it excitedly.

"Right you are my little blueberry" Magnus laughed and pulled the little warlock into his lap and cuddled him. He was quiet for maybe another minute before he started again. "But papa! Why does the rose die?"

"because the movie says so! Now hush Max" snipped Rafael.

Alec let out a laugh and wrapped his arm around their shadowhunter son. "Rafe. It's ok. He's little. He's going to have questions."

"But dad! Can't he have questions AFTER the movie?" he groaned and rolled his eyes.

"How about we pause the movie. We can answer Max's question and you can run to the bathroom, because don't think I haven't noticed that you keep bopping in your seat!"

Rafael's cheeks burned a little red, his dad knew him too well, but the movie was getting to one of the best parts! Of course, he'd wait to go potty!

"Go on! The best part will still be the best part when you come back." Added Magnus and with a flick of his hand paused the movie and the little boy shot off down the hall. "Now ask your question Maxie, you have until Rafe comes back and then we have to be quiet because it's the nice thing to do" reminded Magnus.

"Well...." Started the little one. "the rose means love. Right?"


"and it lasts a long time. Why does it die. Papa? Won't love be strong enough?" he asked up his bright eyes peering into his father's own.

"Alexander, darling, would you mind answering that question for him?" Magnus asked over to Alec not really sure how to go about it."

"Sorry." Came a silken response and a head against his shoulder. "That's all yours Papa."

Magnus thought it through some more. "well little one. In this case the rose is important because it tells him how much time he has to FIND love. If the rose was meant to signify love it would last longer I can assume." 

Max seemed to process this answer. "So. If they have a flower for love it should last forever? Because love is forever right?" asked the boy again.

"Indeed. Using that logic, it should my little blueberry. Now quiet down. Your brother is back we can talk about it more after the movie."

This seemed to placate him and the movie went on, the tale as old as time, ended the way it should and Rafael scampered off to get ready for bed. A curious little blue child, however, stayed behind.

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