Eye of a Hurricane

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Been an emotional day, mostly due to hurricane stress, and reading MalecLovely newest story posts! (such a good story though! Y'all check it out! <3) Thought I'd do something cutesy.

Magnus sat on the edge of the bed staring at the ruined remains of his makeup collection, the stains on the carpet, and the shimmery handprints on the walls. He'd foolishly left the door open and his toddler had let himself into his treasure trove of colors.

Before he could snap, Alec had whisked the boy away, and promptly cleaned him off. Magnus had stayed behind, to mourn the loss.

It was several minutes before Alec tentatively stuck his head past the door.

"Magnus? Is it safe?" he asked cautiously. When he got no response, he made his way into the room, making sure not to run his bare feet through anything that glittered. He joined Magnus on the bed and looked at the mess. He found it a little funny, he'd never seen so much color in one spot, at least other than Magnus' face.

"Magnus?" He asked again gently. "Are you ok?"

Magnus looked at him sadly, peered back at his wall. "no" he finally muttered.

Alec rolled his eyes just past Magnus' view point. He reached for a blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders. Pulling him into his side for a tight hug.

"Alexander. What are you doing?" he asked finally questioning the blanket.

"Well, I read in a book that if someone is in shock to wrap them in a blanket. And will you look at that. It got you to talk" he answered, a laugh in his voice, pretty proud of his thinking.

"I am not in SHOCK Alexander. I am upset."

"ok. We can start there. So how upset are you? From 1-10?"

"I don't think that is a sufficient gauge at this moment in time." He spoke flatly.

"ok. Fine. More accurate gauge. Got it. How about. From Small Rain Cloud to Monsoon?" he shot at the dark.

"I am the eye of the hurricane" he finally answered.

"Eye of the hurricane? I don't understand" Alec struggled to get the imagery. Weren't the eyes calm?

"The eye of the hurricane, is the center of the disaster" Magnus explained. "The beautiful seconds when the eye passes. And there is a silence, but the storm is there. Death and destruction raining on all sides, but the eye is still calm. And it's deadly, and there is a cow flying through the air just on the wind of the eye, and you know at any moment the storm hits again. That's where I'm at right now." He finished eloquently.

Alec stopped to think it over, amazed by how Magnus had described it. "A cow in the air?" He asked trying to imagine the scene. "Well I guess, that little smudge of eyeliner looks like a cow, I guess" he pointed over to the wall another laugh going through him.

Magnus turned his head to stare at his husband. "Alexander, this is not a joking matter."

Alec continued to smirk "Magnus. You may be being a little dramatic."

"Dramatic??? ME! NO!"

"DRAMATIC! YOU! YES" he copied. "Mags. Come on. It's just make up" he said, but did flinch back when Magnus' head twisted quickly to glare at him.

"Alexander, you don't understand, what if he'd gotten to your bow and arrows and broken them?" he cried out.

"Well, for starters, I don't leave them somewhere for Max to find. Secondly, I'd understand, he's 3 Mags. What is the term. Stuff happens" he laughed out again. "besides, now this means you can go buy some new makeup"

Magnus eyes lit up as he looked at Alec "Will you go with me? To Sephora?"

"Yes of course!"

"And Ulta?"


"And Mac? And Macys? And Sally's" Magnus rambled on a list of stores he'd now need to visit, but was also excited, he was sure they had new items.

"How MANY makeup stores are there!" Alec shouted out in shock, noticing the pout of Magnus lips at the outburst.

"Fine! Yes, you big baby, I will go to all of them with you"

"but I'm your baby" Magnus corrected softly, a smile now on his lips as he cuddled in closer to his Alexander.

"Yes, you are." Alec said lovingly "Now come on. Let's get this mess cleaned up"

It took some time to clean the mess, but by the end, Magnus felt better, especially knowing that he'd very soon replace his losses.

"Come on" Alec chastised "Let's go see Max, he needs to know his Papa isn't upset with him. Rafael has been keeping him in the living room. You should probably ask him why he did it"

"Because he is 3, and likes shiny things"

"Well, at least he's like you in that sense" Alec teased

"Alexander! I am not three!"

"Yeah, you are right, you're a solid 5. 6 when you really try" Magnus reached out and smacked his arm and laughed. The pair held hands and made their way to their boys. "Seriously though, ask him. You may be surprised by his little logic."

Magnus went out, no longer feeling like a deadly storm, he'd probably categorize himself as a puffy little cloud at this point. The husbands walked into the living room, a curious Max peeking up over the couch at them.

"Papa?" he asked softly, big puppy eyes filled with as much guilt as a three-year-old could manage. "Sowwy" he yelped out.

"It's ok buddy. Right Papa?" asked Alec, starting the conversation between the two warlocks.

"Yes, it's ok, my darling blueberry. No harm done. It was only makeup" he finally stated reaching out to grab the little boy and hoist him into the air.

The little boy wrapped his stubby arms around his father's neck.

"Max" Magnus started gently. "why did you even play with Papa's makeup?" he asked curiously.

"Wanted to be pretty like Papa" he answered innocently, melting whatever frustration may have remained. Magnus hugged the little boy tightly.

"Oh darling" he squealed out hugging the little blue boy tighter. "If you'd like I can teach you!" he continued to squeal out, his heart bursting at the seams.

"Magnus, I wouldn't go that far, I mean."

"Hush it Alexander, don't ruin this bonding moment!" he hissed out.

Alec just shrugged his shoulders, a smile still on his face, as he joined their eldest on the couch.

"You know what this means right dad?" asked the young shadowhunter

"That we'll have two glitter monsters running around the house?"

"They are going to need someone to practice on"

Alec froze. He hadn't thought about that. He may need to orchestrate another makeup incident, and soon.

 -Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-

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