6. The Last of The Real Ones

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"I was just an only child of the universe,
And then I found you
You are the sun and I am just the planets Spinning around you
You were too good to be true
Gold plated
But what's inside you?
I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you
But not as much as I do" -Fall out Boy

Alec sat in his car in frustration. He had managed to escape, but not before being stopped by fans. That wasn't the issue, his fanbase seemed to have grown immensely overnight, and most were pleased. Some, however, said he was doing it for attention. It wasn't. Alec didn't want any of this, didn't want media worrying about who he was dating, why couldn't they care about his performance! He'd done so well too! But no, everyone was too busy worrying who he was dating. And he wasn't EVEN dating anyone!

He leaned his head against the wheel. Did he want to date Magnus? He barely knew the guy. Another reason he was so frustrated: his father had finally decided to call him. And after a needless amount of swearing, and threatening disownment, he'd finally said he was ashamed. How had this come to be? His entire life had gone straight to hell in less than 72 hours.

Raphael had been right, no one was in the parking garage on the fourth floor. He got out of his car and walked in. He wandered for a bit, was this what he wanted? Was he willing to turn his life more chaotic and get close to Magnus? He answered his own question when he found himself standing in front of room 382. He pulled out the key Raphael had handed him and slowly pushed open the door. This was what he wanted.

He stepped into the room that was incredibly similar to his, except this one had two beds instead of one. The water of the shower could be heard running, Magnus' must be showering, as Alec sat on the edge of the neatly made bed.

"You're back early!" came the voice from the bathroom. "Did you see my Alexander! He did so good! I told you he would! Didn't I tell you he'd be great! And then he called me amazing! AHHH! That interview! Poor thing, but he looks so cute when he's flustered!" the water was shut off.

Alec couldn't bring out any words, choosing rather to listen to Magnus' gush. He was happy hearing him, Magnus' had watched him after all, he'd paid attention to the performance! Someone had.

"I should call him! But I don't have his number! Raphaelllll" he whined "why didn't you remind me to get his number! What good are you to me!"

"Sorry?" joked Alec laying back against the bed, Magnus' thought he was Raphael. This was too funny.

"You should be sorry! I mean, it's not like I can just snap my fingers and make him appear! Ugh! How will he know I want to see him again!"

"Try snapping your fingers" he muttered out sarcastically.

The door opened a smidge as his hand popped out, he snapped his fingers frantically. "See! Didn't work"

Magnus had continued to ramble while in the bathroom, clearly too deep in his own little world to realize it wasn't Raphael answering him. Alec had enough as he sat up and laughed. "Magnus. I'm right here you know."

"Wait, what?" The door rushed open as Magnus stepped out, still a little wet, and a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Surprise?" said Alec laughing at the look of shock on Magnus' face.

"Alexander" he spoke out awkwardly. "hi"


"If you'll excuse me" he said calmly holding his finger in the air in a 'one moment' gesture. As he went back in and shut the door softly. Alec stared at the door. And nearly laughed his head off when he heard the frantic panicking and muffled screaming from behind the door. It was a couple of minutes and the clatter of things dropping in the sink as Magnus tried to get dressed. Grateful he'd remembered some pants.

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