1. Remember Me

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Magnus paced his loft in anxiety. He hated having to wait at home when Alec went on missions. Charmian Meow lounged lazily on the counter watching him.

"meow" he called out, when even he was probably dizzy of all the pacing.

"I know. I know! Don't give me that sass! I'm just waiting for him to come home." he sulked out going to the counter and running his hand behind the cat's ears. Chairman purred back in content as he rolled over to his back. Magnus obliged stroking the fluff that was his underbelly.

"It's not MY fault your daddy is always running late!" he said out still rubbing his tummy.

'I can't help but want you ...... I know that I'd die without you....' the tale-tell signs of a ringtone brought Magnus back to reality. He cupped his cat's face in his hands and scrunched it up.

"Speak of the angel and he shall answer!" he sang out. He hummed happily the song he had assigned to be Alec's ringtone, grabbing his phone and putting it up to his ear.

"Hello my darling. Took you long enough" he chided out happily.

"Magnus?" came a voice far too squeaky to belong to his shadowhunter.

"Clary?" he asked back. "This is Magnus. What's going on biscuit? Where is Alexander?" panic seeped into his voice. Alec wasn't prone to letting people borrow his phone, and he never was keen on Clarissa Fairchild, so for her to have his phone was a red alert.

"Magnus. It's Bad. bleeding. A demon. his head pretty bad" she rambled on in the phone. Magnus pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Clary. Sweetheart. I can't understand a thing you are saying. What is going on?"

"Alec's hurt. We're on our way to you. He needs immediate healing. Be prepared" was all she managed to say out before hanging up. Magnus' jaw went slack. Hurt?

He immediately burst into action, running around their shared home trying to gather bandages, potions, and anything he could possibly need. He cleared the bed and piled pillows so his head could be elevated and did all but bite his nails waiting.

It was only a few minutes when he heard the frantic banging on his door. He magicked it open as a flood of cut up shadowhunters rushed in. His main focus going to the unconscious black-haired boy he loved, who was being more or less hauled in on Jace's shoulders.

"Bring him here" he ordered with an utmost authority guiding Jace to his bedroom. Jace obliged following behind and gently putting the boy on the bed. Isabelle on his tail, yipping at their heels wanting to know if her brother would be ok.

"What happened?" he asked in a cut tone. He didn't want to sound too panicked.

"We found a rift and we had to close it. A lot of demons came at us. Alec took the brunt of it. One of those damn things got him really good across the head. He managed to stay awake for a little while, but he lost consciousness on our way here."

"Ok. Now get out. I need to work in silence" he commanded

Almost an hour had passed when Magnus was sure he had done everything. Alec was more or less back to a safe health and would just need some rest to be back to normal. He went out to the living room to attend to the rest, who thankfully only need some bandages and light magic.

"So, he's going to be ok. Right?" asked Isabelle in concern for her older sibling.

"Yes. He needs some sleep, but I've done everything, should be completely fine now." Magnus said with a smile.

"Good. Poor guy. I just heard a loud crack and saw him fall. I didn't know what was going on. We couldn't help him. We were too slow" she added in shame.

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