4. Eat Me, Drink Me

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-A/N: Yes I am aware that the SEELIE court has a queen, and the UNSEELIE Court has a King, but for the purpose of this story, I have given the Seelie court a male ruler. :D-

Magnus led Alec off to the side sitting on a tree root that had risen from the ground. He patted the very close spot next to him as Alec shyly took it.

"So. Alexander, what brought you to this party?" he asked. "Do not take my words wrong. I am thrilled you are here, but I'm curious how you got an invitation."

"Truth is. I found it."

"Found it?" Magnus asked curiously. What luck.

Alec shuffled in his seat nervously. "It was on the floor in the library I work in. I picked it up and it said there was a party."

"So, you invited yourself?" he asked with a smile. This kid had some nerve, it was rather attractive, it added more to him.

"Yes, basically. I don't know why, but I really wanted to come. I've never been one for parties, but I wanted nothing more than to come here."

"Well. I am glad you did." Magnus spoke softly, a little afraid that if he made a stray move, the boy would run away.

"Thanks. I'm kind of glad I did too" Alec spoke honestly.

"Alexander. If you don't mind. Can I remove your mask? It'd be a shame to hide such a pretty face"

Alec could feel himself blushing hard, and was grateful it was evening, maybe the darkness would hide his rosy cheeks. It didn't, and the rosy tint on his pale skin made Magnus' inside flutter happily. By the angel, what was this mundane doing to him?

Magnus didn't even wait for an answer, reaching forward to pull of his mask with one hand. His other slowly cupping the boy's cheek.

"I was right. There was a gorgeous face behind it" he teased back, enjoying the warmth that was rushing to his cheeks.

"It's a masquerade party. I don't want to break another rule." He stammered, more so because the mask had been a safety blanket to him. "Won't the king be upset I am not obliging?"

"Silly boy. You haven't realized it yet. I AM the King of the Seelie Court."

"oh" was all Alec squeaked out embarrassed, he had just admitted to the party host, that he'd crashed his party. Was there a cliff nearby he could jump off?

"You are making a most peculiar face. What are you thinking?" he asked looking at him, like he could see through his soul.

"That I just told you I snuck in. You aren't supposed to admit doing something wrong, especially not to the man in charge!" he said out in a ramble as Magnus laughed. What a strange little mundane. He'd met some in his life, most were either enchanted by him, others unnerved. This one, he wasn't exactly sure where he fell.

"Well, I don't mind it one bit. I am thrilled you are here. This has turned out to be a very amusing turn of events" he mused.

"Really?" Asked Alec innocently.

"Of course Alexander. As a Seelie, I cannot lie. So rest assured I am being sincere."

"Can't lie? That's a cool concept. I've learned blunt people are easier to talk to anyways. It's kind of rare, I don't find a lot of humans in the world who can be honest" he rambled off again.

"Who said anything about me being human? Perhaps I am something more. Would that bother you?" he said out with a laugh.

"nah. I don't think so. I've never met someone like you. It only makes sense you'd be some alien or fairy tale prince charming."

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