Malec meets their Maker

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-Random prompt I found, what would happen if your characters met you. here's my shot at it! :D also as a challenge!   you should try this! I'd love to read yours! -

jassyjass15 :D 

Alec stood at the door in the unwavering heat of the Texas sun. "Magnus? Are you such this is a good idea?" he asked tentatively.

"Absolutely! Now be a good boy and knock on the door!" Magnus stated, thanking the Angel he'd thought to bring a floppy hat with him on this adventure. He could already feel his makeup streaking from the heat and the sweat building up along the brim of the hat, he needed to get inside and asap.

Alec reached up and rang the door bell, when no response came he tried again. This time however he saw the slight movement behind the curtains and caught two eyes peering out to see him and then quickly moving away. The sound of falling furniture coming from inside.

"I know you are in there! Open the door will you! It's hot!!" he yelled out and pounded at the door. After a few more minutes he heard the sound of a deadbolt opening and the door inched open.

A girl opened the door and stared at them more. Pretty average, so pale even Alec felt concerned, a mess of frizzy hair on her head. Her brown eyes huge as she took the pair in.

"You're. You guys are. You're real!" she muttered convincing herself she was dreaming.

"Yes we are! Hello. Alexander. Magnus. Or Malec whatever. Let us in we're melting" cried out Magnus still standing out in the sun. He reached out a hand in an attempt to shake it the girl still staring at them in panic. Her whole world spun and a darkness took over, her body hitting the floor with a thud before either of the two males could react.

"Well. I wasn't expecting that. For someone who writes about us I'd think she'd be happy to see us! Now what?"

"Good job Magnus! Come on, let's get her inside before the neighbors think we are trying to kill her!"

The two made their way inside with the body shutting the door and enjoying the air conditioning versus the outside world.

It was several minutes until the girl awoke on the couch where they had laid her, she looked around the room to grasp the situation, still shocked that in fact the pair were still there. Magnus was peering through the walls at the pictures that lined them. While Alec just sat awkwardly regretting this decision more by the minute.

"You are here. How is this possible! You're not real. Am I dead? Is this death?" she rambled a thousand words per minute still in shock.

"Breath mundane. The last thing we need is you passing out again" snarked Alec.

"Alexander!" Magnus chastised "be nice. I'm sure this is quite surprising. Give her a minute"

She did as instructed taking in deep breaths until she could think straight.

"Feeling better?" Asked Magnus taking a seat next to her slowly.

A feeble nod was all that was managed

"Ok. So let's talk. You clearly know us. We're here to return the favor."

"More like EDUCATE YOU!" again more snark from Alec in the background.

"Educate me?" she asked.

"yes! You write like you know us, but you're wrong"

"What he is trying to say dear, is that some of your choices are a little off."

"I'm sorry?" she whispered looking at the angry boy. "what can I do?"

"How about NOT making me an awkward hormonal mess!" started the other.

It had been several hours after since the pair had arrived, the girl still terrified, but now more curious than anything.

"So. Let me get this straight." She mused. "You're real. You know about the stories I've written about you. And you're here because I wrote you in a different way than what you actually are."

"Finally she gets it!" snapped Alec sarcastically.

"Well it's a free country, I can do what I want!"

Alec shot up in his seat, but was grabbed really quickly by Magnus.

"What he is trying to say dear, is that maybe a little more accuracy would be appreciated. I mean, I'm not completely obsessed with glitter!"

"Mag, you really are! Let's do something more accurate. Like how I am more than capable of putting sentences together!"

"Except when you're nervous, or flustered, or mad, or when I don't have a shirt." Magnus continued to count items off on his hands. "Or when Max makes a mess. Or when-"


The girls just laughed. "Are you sure I'm completely inaccurate?" she asked giving Alec a dose of his own sarcasm.

"Well what about you! She said you were dramatic! You denied it, but this was ALL your idea! Because she dressed you up in an outfit you didn't approve of!"

"I'm just saying! I'd NEVER wear red leather with a floral shirt! It's tacky! I'm not a piñata! You were upset too! That she always makes you a damsel in distress!"

The girl sat back and just watched the spectacle before her, not daring to speak, or come in between.


"Really?? Remember on the beach? I left you alone for 2 MINUTES and it was all 'magnus! Magnus' I had to close the portal AND save you" retorted the other.

Alec stopped and just gruffed, he knew he was losing.

"Ok, kid. Just. Read the books again." Was all he said before standing up for the door.

"wait" she asked. "that's it? You just want me to be more accurate?"

"Yes dear, but apparently you weren't too far off. I suppose it was nice to meet you, but we have to go." admitted Magnus joining Alec.

"WAIT!" she cried out "Where are you two going? Why are you leaving?"

"because it's time for us to go" Magnus looked at her and gave her a quick hug "ok Alec let's say our goodbyes we have to go"

"Don't look at me! I'm not hugging her" he muttered while on his phone but did manage a small wave before heading out the door.

"Where will you guys go? Are you really in this world? Is the whole shadow world real?" Questions spilled as she tried to make sense of it all.

"Oh no dear. We are just in your head! Consider it your subconscious questioning your own choices in writing" Magnus mused patting her cheek and walking out the door.

They shut the door on the confused girl as she sat back down on the couch to ponder everything, shock more than anything. The pair walked up the Uber parked outside, Alec giving the destination to the driver.

"Why'd you do that to her?" He asked finally. "Why not just tell the mundane the truth?"

"And have her brain explode and stain my shoes? No thank you. It's better this way. Bad enough Cassandra already knows."

Alec laughed and leaned in against Magnus, the pair smiled all the way back to the airport, back to their comfy home in New York. 

-★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★ AGAIN I challenge anyone who wants to; to do this prompt challenge! AND and please share it with me so i can read it! :D 

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