3. Joy To the World and all that Jazz

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-I finished it!-

Magnus sulked around in his apartment in his silken gown. Another Christmas had caught up to him. He took a sip of the spiked eggnog in his mug. An affectionate Chairman Meow rubbed against his bare leg and meowed up at him.

"Merry Christmas to you too" muttered Magnus. He snapped his fingers and a small cat toy popped up in his hand. Of course, he hadn't forgotten his fur child, tossing the little furry little mouse across the room and the cat chasing after it to play.

He absentmindedly reached for his phone and typed in the speed dial to his favorite person, but before he could click dial his phone sprang to life playing Alec's designated ringtone. He took a moment to drive the mopiness out of his voice an answered.

"Well hello my dear. I was just thinking about you. Merry Christmas Mr. Lightwood!" he said into the phone.

"Merry Christmas!" came the voice with the hint of a laugh. "So nice of you to think of me Mr. Bane."

"So, I wanted to ask" came the Nephilim on the other end. "If you aren't too busy with your party, maybe I could swing by and drop off your Christmas presents today, plus Catarina said you had some for me to pick up, is that alright?"

"Catarina?" Magnus' curiosity peaked at the sound of her name. When had she been in contact with his boyfriend? It mattered little. "Well, actually, if it's alright with you can I go to the institute to pick them up and gift you yours? You know, save you the trip. A portal is faster." That and it would mean Alec wouldn't see the truth about Magnus' 'party'.

"That would be great! Izzy has been wanting to see too and she has a gift for you as well. If it isn't too much of an inconvenience to you, please come over!"

"Trust me Alexander. It won't be an inconvenience at all."

They spoke a few minutes longer, set a time, and said their goodbyes as Magnus hung up the call. Magnus ran off to the bathroom to get ready, he had maybe 5 hours before the designated time, and even if it was only a break in his lonely Christmas, he make damn sure he looked amazing for it. Move over Sandy Claws, Magnus was coming for a visit!


In his excitement Magnus found himself ready far earlier than he expected, using his time to add a few additional presents to his bag. Isabelle, his biscuit, and even for the blonde-wonder. Hell, he'd even gotten one for Simon. Having somewhere to go this year had put him in a festive mood. Even his mood screamed for the festive holiday. He'd chosen to wear a tight red pair of leather pants and a decorative Tshirt with a happy little tree.

With a little pep in his step he made his way to the institute, a little early which was strange for him, but he couldn't help it. Once there he was greeted warmly by Alec with a simple kiss and brought inside and taking his coat.

"Come on in! We haven't really started anything yet. So, you're perfect."

Magnus followed him happily joining them in the library that had been decorated with a huge tree and a good collection of presents.

"How long do I have you for?" asked Alec cautiously.

"Forever if you'd like" came Magnus smooth response as Alec smiled at him lovingly.

"As much as I like the sound of that 'forever' I meant for this evening."

"oh" was all Magnus could muster, that's right. He'd have to leave at some point to keep up his charade. "A good while. Everyone knows the best parties start at night"

The excited clicking of running heels broke them up as Izzy practically tackled Magnus into a hug. "I am so happy you are here! It will be perfect now!" she said excitedly.

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