The best cutlery in the world

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Magnus did a final run through to his home. The excitement already bubbling deep inside of him. Today, today, would definitely be special.

He'd somehow managed to talk Alexander 'perpetual-stick-up-his-butt'  Lightwood into spending the night. Not something he hadn't technically done before, but this time no one was injured, New York wasn't in peril, and no one was drunk. At least not yet.

Everything had to be perfect. He'd snapped in some gorgeous flowers from a quaint country side in Spain, a bottle of wine from what he was sure was the most prestigious winery in Italy, every new hit movie known to mankind was methodically laid out on his table, and an assortment of mundane snacks and other finer delicacies adorned his living room. Now he just needed to wait.

Alexander had agreed to be at his loft at exactly 7. And as the seconds ticked by, Magnus could feel his excitement brewing down til the last second. For some odd reason he'd expected the knock on the door at exactly 7:00:00, and felt his bubble of happiness quiver when it didn't, but it wasn't burst. Silly him, of course he wouldn't be deterred. It was only natural too not be exact to the second. He'd be there any second.

Or maybe not.

By 7:10 Magnus was growing a mixture of nervous and frustrated. On one hand, was his new potential lover backing out? Had Alec come to his stuck up senses and realized he wanted nothing to do with a warlock? Was he being stood up? His heart ached.

On the OTHER hand, did someone DARE STAND UP MAGNUS BANE????

Magnus sat for another ETERNITY it felt, maybe traffic. Not everyone was as fortunate as he to open and travel by portal. Surely that was it. Alec was on his way! Definitely.

An entire other lifetime later, and when his clock read an astonishing 7:15, he stood up in frustration and went to the door.

This was taking ages, and believe you me, Magnus knew about time he was over 400 after all, he'd have to go fine this boy who dared stand him up.

He threw on one of his lavish coats and headed for the door. Grasping the handle with his perfectly manicured hand, he swung it open and nearly scared the angel out of the poor soul standing in front of his door.

"Alexander?" He spoke out first, locking eyes with the poor dear in headlights standing in his hallway.

"Um.. I... hi?" He said, even though it sounded more like a question.

Magnus looked him over, a lanky youth grasping onto a white plastic bag with the brand 'Target' as if it were his only tie to the mortal realm. Had he brought a gift?

"Well don't just stand there. Come in! Come in! I don't bite! I mean, unless you ask me too, and feel free to ask me too" He felt his excitement return as he ushered the young man in.

"Bite?" Alec asked in confusion "why would you bite? Only vampires bite, warlocks don't need to bite. That makes no sense." He rambles on.

Magnus looked at him and chuckled. "It's a joke, darling."

"Ohhhhh. Oh. Ok " the boy finally muttered.

"Now come in. It's safe I promise" he assured him.

Alec moved like a terrified sloth, probably more accustomed for battle than being social. It took a couple of seconds to usher him into the living room and several more before he awkwardly took a seat on the couch. His hands busy wringing the bag that seemed to make the funniest clanging noises when moved.

"Well, Alexander," Magnus started, "thank you for joining me."


"How has your evening been so far?"

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