2.They Smell Fear

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Alec ran his hands through his hair. "Come on Max, it's ok, you're ok!" He reached for the boy as Max pulled away still screaming. He was looking for his papa Magnus and was adamantly looking for the portal. The screaming went on for several minutes until the toddler was barely making some squeaky dry heaving.

Alec went into the kitchen trying to compose himself. Magnus would be gone for at least 3 days, and he had no idea how he was going to manage.

Food! He could manage food he scrambled to make something suitable for the little boy and for himself, if Max was hungry he'd HAVE to go to him. Alec was proud of this idea, he was certain it would work.


Alec had moved to the furthest point in his kitchen a pot over his head as food and juice and miscellaneous items flew past. Max had spent the last several minutes magicking things around in a tantrum. Alec had attempted to feed the boy macaroni and cheese and had failed horribly with the obnoxious orange mixture now thrown along the walls.

It was several minutes before things finally stopped zooming past as he peaked out from his hiding spot. Max in all his magical excursion had tuckered himself out and he had fallen asleep in his high chair. Alec took a deep sigh before rising to his feet and heading for the boy. The boy whimpered sadly but did not awaken as Alec moved him to the bathroom and with the child in his arms started the warm water to prepare a bath. The messy boy was still sleeping as Alec felt the water and slid the boy in slowly once he knew it was a perfect temperature. Upon touching the water, bright blue eyes fluttered open. He looked around before his eyes stopped on the shadowhunter. Alec looked in panic as he saw the little boys lip quiver.

"Pa pa?" He asked looking around and when he was certain Magnus was not there the screaming began.

The boy's bath was the most miserable thing Alec had ever lived through, and he had seen the return of Valentine AND the rise and fall of Sebastian. Water was everywhere, the little boy cried until he choked himself out, and Alec was convinced he was now deaf in his right ear.

Pajamas was another battle as he finally put Max to bed. Alec had to go about to clean the home. With the day he had, it meant he'd have to clean, A LOT.

He started with the kitchen scrubbing the walls in frustration and the kitchen table. He was incredibly frustrated; the day was a disaster. Magnus would not have had any problems, he'd have handled it within seconds, he wouldn't be the one scrubbing the walls of the orange gunk.

It was close to 4 in the morning when Alec finished everything and got a well-deserved shower. He crawled into the empty bed running his hand where Magnus should have been. One day down, he encouraged himself, one more to go.

Alec awoke in the morning, to surprise, more crying as the toddler awoke in his room. Alec took him out sweetly thanking the angel Raziel when the crying had stopped long enough for the tot to run around and play with his toys. Alec took it as a win, so far this was the quietest he'd seen.

Breakfast was uneventful, he'd been slightly more prepared this time choosing for pancakes instead of anything that could make bigger messes, and was pleased when Max ate them up quickly with no complaint. He'd also put his milk in a sealable sippy cup meaning even when the boy launched it across the kitchen all the liquid stayed inside. When breakfast was over he'd only received some squirming and mild discomfort from cleaning up the boy, progress. Things were finally looking up Alec.

The rest of the day, Alec treated the boy like an animal in a zoo, not getting too close, offering small morsels of treats and then retreating far away. The true hero of the day was Curious George who seemed to placate him and occupied his attention. Originally, he'd thought of sitting on the couch with him, but when the small boy gave him a face and when his mouth opened in the warning signs of a protest, Alec launched himself away choosing rather to sit at the kitchen counter to just keep an eye from afar.

Lunch was another somber affair, Alec ordered pizza, something he knew Max enjoyed and cut it up in small pieces for him to eat with his little still growing teeth.

The pair had worked pretty well throughout the day, Alec gave him food and space, and the boy didn't holler. The only hiccups were the moments in between when he needed a change, or when Alec had to fumble to start on new episode when Netflix realized their streaming binge MIGHT be unhealthy, or world war 3 when the PlayStation controller died and he struggled to get the chord. Other than that, Alec was managing.

Dinner, was also uneventful as the boy ate silently, and then back to the couch he went.

He was probably on episode 14 or 15 when Alec realized he was the only one watching if Curious George ever got away from the kite as he peeked over the couch to find Max knocked out.

Just like before, he gently took the boy for a bath and started his routine of warming the water. Again, like before the bath was the disaster as he screamed once more and water flooded their small bathroom.

When he was out, more crying, Alec struggled to get him into new pajamas. Blessed the angel that he'd even managed to get him into a new pair of training undies. In a moment of weakness, Alec released the little boy's arm, and that's when he lost the boy.

Max catapulted himself out of the bathroom, completely undressed with the exception of his sesame street training pants, running out the bathroom door. Screaming 'papa' as loud as he could in between crying.

Alec gave chase trying to hold him down to finish getting him dressed, and was met with only scratches and wailing, something he knew must sound like murder to his neighbors. He ran around the tables, the boy ducking underneath the coffee table, and magicking pillows and controllers through the air.

It was at that moment, Alec broke. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or all the screaming had worn him out, or maybe it was the fact that he felt that he was a failure as a parent. Alec stopped and dropped himself on the couch and just cried. He needed Magnus, there was NO WAY he could manage.

"papa" came another pained wail as the boy continued to run.

"He's not here Max!" he finally screamed as the boy stopped in silence after hearing the outburst. "He's not here, it's just me! I'm trying buddy! I am. I'm sorry I can't be the daddy you need! But I'm TRYING! I know you miss papa. I MISS HIM TOO!"

Alec put his face in his hands and just cried, he was giving up, he really had tried. A few moments passed in silence, until something short of a miracle happened. Max went to him, placed his hands on his knees and peered up. Alec looked at him, finding bright blue eyes curiously looking up at his own.

"da da?" asked the tiny toddler. Alec stopped, he'd never said da da before.

The little boy scrambled to climb the couch and crawled into his arms as Alec hugged him tightly to his chest.

"That's right Max, I'm your da-da"

He continued to hold on to the boy for dear life, and had no complaints from him. Maybe that was it. Maybe in all his fears of not being able to, Max had sensed it, he knew Alec was afraid and had been uncomfortable. Why hadn't he realized it sooner. Magnus wasn't just magically a better father, he was just not as afraid of having a child. Alec had been terrified and hadn't put in all the effort, so afraid of failing, he hadn't really tried. The two hugged in silence, for the first time really enjoying what it meant to be a small boy and his daddy.

The door flew open magically a marvelous Magnus strolling in.

"Hello loves! I'm home early! I've missed youuuu~!" He sang and was perplexed when he received silence.

He walked into the couch and stopped, his heart in his throat, as he took in the scene.

Alec was on the couch asleep, a little blue warlock wearing nothing but undies, resting peacefully on his chest. Magnus shut off the tv and magicked a blanket over his little family and smiled.

They were going to be alright.

Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★! Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!

Look at Alec learning about parenthood whether he wants to or not!
:D This one is longer than most of my others 1500 words! :D Enjoy..

Also, found the picture on pinterest! So credit to I assume MortallWarlock

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