3. Siblings and sandwhiches

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-Part 3! I love Izzy! :D I'm thinking the next part will be the last of this story -

Alec P.O.V

Alec started at his phone. His hands shaking and his poor brain had already left the building. His whole mentality was on DEFCON 1.

@magicalfanboii has commented on 16. Taste of you: I can only imagine you are as amazing as this chapter was, I look forward to finding out for sure

He stared daggers into his phone. His idol had messaged him saying he 'looked forward to finding out for sure'. How exactly could he do that?

He threw himself against the pillows in his bed and threw the covers over his head. He'd be safe if he never left his bed he thought. He'd just stay there till he died. It all made sense.

His peace in hiding was unfortunately shortlived. The door open and a flurry of motion ended on top of him. He huffed out in pain as the younger girl landed squarely on him.

"Alec!" she cried. "GET UP!! I'm starving and I'm giving you a fair warning BEFORE I start cooking!"

Alec shot straight up out of bed almost knocking her off onto the floor. He'd sacrifice the comfort and safety of his bed sheets if it meant Isabelle Lightwood, his gorgeous younger sister, was kept out of a kitchen.

"That's what I thought!" she smirked as he went to grab a shirt to cover his bare chest and jeans over his boxers. He wasn't fazed by her seeing him in little clothes anymore, Izzy had no sense of privacy something he'd come to terms with since the day she learned how to crawl. "Why aren't you up yet? You're normally up way before I am!"

"I've been awake. I just haven't left the bed." He answered flatly running his fingers through his hair trying to work out the kinks of sleep.

"What were you doing? Where you reading your stories again?"

"What? Stories? Me? Pshhhh. No. um. What stories? I was. Um. I was doing something else.I was um... Watching porn!" Alec smacked himself hard across the forehead. Porn? Really. THAT'S THE BEST HE COULD COME UP WITH???

Izzy laughed hysterically on his bed. She knew. She knew all along what he did, and why he was attached to the phone, also why he spent so much time at the café up the street. She knew everything, even his secret. However, Isabelle Lightwood may be a lot of things, but she would never be mean enough to out him. She'd wait patiently for him to come out and say it. Wait for him to accept himself before she could scream from the mountains that she accepted him. Granted, he was taking his sweet time.

Izzy also knew about his stories and she very coyly knew about the comment he'd received. After all, Isabelle Lightwood may not 'know' about her brother's secret life as a fanfic writer, but @theQueenofNYC was his first and most loyal subscriber.

"I have an idea!" She stated loudly as Alec finished getting ready. "Why don't we go get coffee! I'm sure you could use some, and I've heard the Institute up the street has AMAZING breakfast dishes!"

"What? NO!" Alec protested. He couldn't have her go there. She'd find out! "No way Iz. We'll stay here today. I'll cook!" Alec ran out towards the kitchen.

Not even 15 minutes later Isabelle found herself walking into the coffee shop, heading straight for the counter and the gorgeous boy at the register to place an order, Alec grumpily trailing behind her. Silly boy, he really thought he'd win.

Magnus P.O.V

Magnus waited at the counter impatiently. He wasn't there. Alexander was always there before 11am. It was routine. He'd come in around 830 stay close to 11 and then he'd leave, and now it was 1122 and no sign. Maybe he really had been scared off. He sulked behind the counter.

"Raphael! He isn't here! Where is he!" He cried. Raphael close behind him stocking the shelves.

"Let me look! I'm sure he's in my pocket! Come on Magnus get your head together. I'm not going to stay here all day and listen to you be a lovesick perrito! You're at register today I'm going to go fill the bean machine." Raphael walked away leaving Magnus to his thoughts.

He pulled out his phone and looked through his notifications. No reply to his comment. Normally @a-Rainbow-dressed-in-BLACK was quick to reply, and now here he was in complete radio silence.

What a dreadful day.

The bells signaled a customer as Magnus looked up from his sadness to the door. He spotted her first. A gorgeous girl with dark black hair. She walked with a sense of royalty, confident that she had the attention of the world by simply breathing. Right behind her, Alexander. Magnus started at him, begging for him to look towards him, but the awkward man was looking everywhere else, a look of pure panic on his face as he scanned the area. He caught Magnus' eyes and quickly looked away before running to go sit in the corner leaving the girl on her own. Magnus turned back to look at her, her face was so beautiful, and he if was correct he'd be lucky enough for her to be his sister and not his lover.

He caught his eyes and he saw a spark of mischief in them. She sashayed her way to him, he shivered, her eyes looked like a tiger eyeing its prey.

"Good Morning!" She sang out when she made it to the counter.

"Hello. Welcome to the Institute. What can I get for you?" he asked as the girl looked him up and down.

"I'll have a vanilla latte, a dash of cinnamon and cocoa on top! And also an egg and cheese croissant."

Magnus wrote it down as Raphael came back to the counter.

"Will that be everything for you today?" He asked.

"Nope. I need to order something for my LOVELY big brother. That cute thing over there in the corner. I'm sure you've seen him." She said with something extra in her words, she also caught the way his eyes flickered over to him. "For sure, a black coffee. For breakfast, I don't know. How about you pick. I can tell you have pretty great taste."

Magnus swallowed hard. This girl was trouble, and he couldn't decide just yet if she was the good kind or not.

"I'm sure your brother would like something simple. Maybe eggs and sausage sandwich. It's pretty good"

The same mischievous eyes sparked "Oh, I'm sure he'd like sausage. Sounds good"

Magnus choked finishing writing down the order and handing it to Raphael who couldn't take his eyes of the girl, but for a very different reason than him.

She paid for the meals, but stayed at the counter, still fixated on looking at Magnus.

"Anything else I can do for you?" Asked Magnus not sure how much more he could take.

"Yes, just one more thing" She handed him a piece a paper with a scribbled number on it. "Please call" She added with a wink.

"Sorry darling, you're beautiful, but just so you know I'm on the other team."

The girl looked at him with a pretty smile. "Oh no don't be silly, that's not MY number."

She walked away leaving Magnus in shock.

He may have only just met her, but he liked her.

Meanwhile, Alec on the other hand, was too busydying in the corner to notice what his insane sister was doing    

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★! I'm really enjoying myself with this story. I have an idea of what I'll do with it, and I think next part will be the end- 

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