Delar saknas definitivt

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"You're wrong!"

"Oh? I'm wrong?? Me? I've only been alive 400 years longer than you!"

"Well then you'd think maybe you'd have learned how to listen in all those years, old man!"

"Did you just call me old man?!"

"Well Mr. 400 years-older-than-you. If the glittery shoe fits; wear it!!"

"I'll show you where my glitter shoe fits you brat"

-5 hours earlier-

Magnus and Alec had decided to be helpful and rather than paying for someone to build a crib, decided to do it themselves. Jace and Clary were awaiting their first child, and although neither were particularly fond of children, they both were excited for a niece or nephew.

They had spent the morning in Ikea looking for a crib, deciding that would be the best choice for a gift. They had scoured all the baby section looking for the best one. They had settled on one that stated it would grow for the child from crib to toddler bed, the only final thing was the color.

"Oh, they have it in a black wood! It'll be perfect" explained Alec, already writing down the number of the item.

"Are you crazy? For a baby? No! Use white, it will be far cuter"

"Magnus, Black is the main option."

"'No; it isn't. Poor child will be devoid of color! I will not let my biscuit's first born be deprived of rainbows and be forced to endure black. Besides, if it's white my VERY ARTISITC Clary can paint and decorate it. Black is not a good color for a baby and that's final"

"For a SHADOWHUNTER baby, it will be perfect. I will not gift a future family member with the color of mourning. Now THAT'S final" he spoke out in a frustrated tone.

"Well, maybe if you added some color some of you all wouldn't be so grouchy" he muttered under his breath.

"What?" he turned back to ask.

"Nothing." He stated writing down the number to the white one.

Things had only gone downhill from there. They had bickered about the bedding choices, about the use of pillows, and still about the damned color. Magnus, still wanted colorful and fun, Alec was adamant about dark and simple patterns. Why couldn't he just agree to something childish for you know, a CHILD.

Magnus, however had won. Apparently there were plenty of other crazy people who had chosen black, and the dark material was sold out. Magnus had sung of his victory much to the frustration of Alec, but considering that the gift needed to be ready by the next day, he had to settle.

Once they were in their home, it was another bickering match.

"I think this is piece A." Alec stated holding up what looked like a leg of the crib.

"No. That is very clearly part E. it's the thingy that goes with the bars"

"Thingy? Oh yeah, you're definitely the expert" snapped Alec.

"Well, of course it's a thingy how am I supposed to know what 'stödstråle'" means, pronouncing it as studs trail.

"I'm sure that's not how you say that word"

"Oh? Are you Swedish now?"

"No. but I know better"

"Well if you know better. Shouldn't you have already built it then?"

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