3. Cheshire [Cat] Grins and White [Rabbit] Lies

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Alec and Jace made it to the area they could only imagine was the party. Two people guarded what looked to be the entrance, the strangest leather outfits, and were those real spears? Both had a strange tattoo on their face, almost like vines, stretching from the forehead to their cheeks. Was this a themed masquerade party?

"Look who dropped in. Who invited mundies?" Asked one of them his spear in hand.

"How did you two get here?" asked the other.

"We have an invitation." Said Alec, trying to sound confident, hopefully they wouldn't call his bluff. He pulled out the paper from his pocket and handed it over. They both observed the invitation card, looking back at the two party crashers, cautiously.

"I don't think this is a good idea" As Alec and Jace did their best to not look suspicious.

"Where did you get this?" asked the taller of the two guards.

"It was. Um. I." Alec stuttered getting nervous.

"A pretty little blonde slipped it to us. Said it would be the party of a life time. So here we are" Responded Jace flawlessly, taking control of the situation.

"Is that so? You expect us to believe that?" he argued back. It would have continued had a woman not appeared beside them.

"Do not be rude to our guests" she said. "The king has already given his approval of both. They are to be welcomed and taken care of" she said. The two bouncers merely exchanged a glance, but dared not argue.

"Now come in boys. Take it all in, it will definitely be an experience" she smiled coyly at them. "Here. You will be needing these for the game" she said handing them each a card before turning on her heel and leaving them to venture in for themselves.

"Well that was something. Can't believe we made it in!" Said Alec the butterflies in his stomach flying in terrified circles.

"Right! Look at that. Alec Lightwood breaking a rule! Here. Let's take a picture as proof the impossible happened." Jace said. Pulling out his phone and taking a picture of a startled Alec.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" he protested.

"Are you ever?"

"Just take the picture over again!" he said with a laugh. Taking a cheesy selfie with his brother that he requested be sent to his own phone.

"So, what did that girl give us?" he finally questioned. looking at the card. Strange. She'd given them playing cards?

"I got a king of diamonds" said Jace, looking over at his card.

"I got king of hearts"


Magnus continued to sit on his throne as the court filled with faces both new and old. The vampires, werewolves, and Seelie alike came to bow before him. Smart children, they knew, he warranted their respect. He looked amongst the crowd, curiously, he wanted to see the incredulous mundanes who had decided to invite themselves. He scanned the crowd until he spotted figures unlike the others. A blonde boy, with a rabbit mask, a sly smirk on his face. Now he probably could have afforded another glance at him, but truth be told, his attention was already elsewhere. Namely, the tall boy to his side, bright blue eyes staring back at him behind a black mask. WHO WAS HE?

Magnus continued to stare at those eyes, neither the ocean, nor the sky could match their color. He stood from his seat, and almost as if being a puppet, he felt himself move towards the strange new toy in his court.

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