2. New Year's Kiss

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At first sign of daybreak, who was he kidding, it was almost noon. Magnus Bane was not going to wake up early even if it was his own party. He got dressed fairly quickly knowing that he'd still have to set up somethings before dawning his latest masterpiece of an outfit.

He bustled around making sure there were enough flowers and when he was sure there weren't he snapped his fingers and practically doubled them. Same with streamers, he wanted noise, and joyous uproar!

He checked his clock again; Alexander was not one to be late, and although they hadn't decided on a time, Magnus was sure he should be there by now. Almost as if wishing him into existence the door opened, thanks to the key Magnus had gifted him Alexander walked into the room.

Walk; may not have been the best word. More like zombie shuffled in. And if the walk wasn't enough to scare Magnus the rest of the raven-haired boy was. His eyes looked red, runny, and swollen as if he'd been crying for days. His whole face was pale with the exception of the horrendously pink nose that Magnus could hear was horribly stuffed.

"Alexander! What happened?" he cried out reaching out cautiously out to stroke his cheek. It was probably the fact that he loved him so much that kept Magnus from putting on a Hazmat suit.

"It's ok" muttered Alec beyond hoarse, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can still help." Magnus reached a hand to his forehead.

"It is most certainly not! And no offence my dear, but I think I'd prefer you not touching anything."

Alec gave him a sad puppy eyed look as Magnus reached for his arm tenderly. "Alexander. You are burning up! You are sick. I told you, you would be! I should have given you a potion!"

Alec just shook his head. "What do you need me to do?" he semi-whisper talked again.

"Truthfully, I need you to go lie down. I'll make you a potion to get rid of whatever that is" he prompted guiding the poor boy to the bedroom and leaving him to sit on the bed. Quickly going off to prepare a simple mixture to help him get over this quickly.

When he returned Alec had simply laid back against the bed his long legs dangling over the side. His eyes closed apparently hadn't even tried getting into bed. Magnus lovingly snapped his fingers as his normal black clothes was switched instantly to softer flannel pajamas. Waking him with the intent to get him to sleep again.

"Drink this" he offered tucking in the shadowhunter and pulling covers up to his chin.

Although he didn't like that his Alexander was unwell, it was very rare for him to have a moment where Alec let himself be cared for.

"I'm sorry I can't help with your party" he mumbled weakly

"Don't you worry about that. I can handle it" Magnus reassured him and went off to finish the set up.

A few hours had passed as the guests began to arrive. The party in full blast. The chatter of voices and the clinks of drinks filled the air and Magnus ensured to greet every soul in his home. His party was a success. Warlocks, Vampires, Werewolves, and even a stray Seelie or two enjoyed themselves when a knock on the door revealed the last couple of guests to arrive.

"James, you made it." He greeted his lover's parabatai.

"Umm. Magnus his name is-" attempted Clary to correct him.

"shhh" Jace stopped her. "That's the closest he's ever been to my name. I'll take it."

The shadowhunters had arrived. Alec's sister Isabelle, Clary, Jace made their way inside and although some downworlders were visibly shaken by their appearance, the party continued without a hiccup once they saw their host greet them openly.

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