It's The Great Pumpkin, Alexander Lightwood!

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-This is going to be a standalone story just in time for halloween! :D It may or maynot be entered into Maleclovely's halloween contest. :D-

Alec sat on Magnus' comfortable couch semi-watching a movie that had just begun on the television. Some big-headed child was acquiring a pumpkin with some blue dressed girl who then in turned lobotomized the orange thing. Truth be told, he wasn't really paying attention. He truthfully was just killing time while Magnus' was getting dressed. He continued to watch the show at least enjoying the black and white dog that was now on the screen. He reached into the bowl of random candies Magnus' had filled and opened up another piece of chocolate. He'd lost track of how many he'd eaten but he was starving. They were supposed to be going to some party where he'd been promised food, but since Magnus was taking forever, he'd been resigned to eating from the random bowl of sugary packets. He shut the tv off and let out a whine out to Magnus who was taking longer than normal.

"Magnus! Come out already! It's been too long!" he said out as Magnus' head popped out slightly from the bathroom.

"Oh Honey. I've BEEN out. For at least a couple of centuries." He laughed back and popped back in.

"You know what I meant!" he said out in defeat and lay back against the couch. At this rate. He'd probably fall asleep waiting for the warlock to finish glamorizing himself up. A couple of more minutes passed when Alec shot up at the sound of tapping on the door. Strange. They weren't expecting anyone. Why would someone come around this hour? He looked towards the clock on the wall that read 7pm. A little late for a random social call. The louder tapping continued as Alec grabbed for a weapon and slowly opened the door. He froze when he saw what was on the other side. Spiderman? Why was there a 3-foot-tall spider man standing in their doorway?

"COOOL SWORD MISTER!!" came the excited squeals of said Spiderman and what looked to be a princess and some girl dressed in a black dress and pointy hat.

Alec stared at them for several seconds trying to comprehend.

"Trick or Treat!" came the happy cries of what he was slowly recognizing of being tiny mundane children.

"What?" he asked at them.

"Trick or treat! Come on mister! Our mommy is waiting downstairs. Can we have candy now?" asked the princess of the group.

"Who is it darling?" came Magnus from close behind.

"Magnus. There is a Spiderman and a princess and I think a warlock- "

"I'm a witch!" corrected the third child at him.

"....and a witch...... standing at our door asking for treats or tricks."

Magnus let out a laugh and grabbed the bowl, a little amused that it was far lighter than when he'd last seen it. He stepped around the confused Alec and peered at the children.

"Well don't you all look absolutely marvelous" he cooed at them. "What do you say?" he asked.

The children let out excited giggles chanting a rhyme about treats and smelly feet. Magnus laughed and handed them each several pieces of candy before waving them off and only the sounds of laughter and happiness were moving down the stairs.

"What was that all about?" Asked Alec once the door was closed and for the first time looked at Magnus' outfit. "And why do you look like a feathery rainbow? No offense, but you look like a parrot"

Magnus let out another laugh and turned in a circle to fully give Alexander a glimpse of his masterpiece. A multitude of colorful feathers, glitter, and vibrant red material was on him. "That is because I AM a fabulous Parrot!" he shouted out. Since he couldn't go back to Peru he might as well bring a little Peru to New York!

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