1000 Reasons

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-For StARTERS! Thank you, I never thought anything I wrote would gut 1000. :) I was happy when I received 100. Thank you! As a reward, here is some cute Malec.-

Magnus and Alec sat in peace on the couch in Magnus' loft. The two had practically perfected the art of cuddling in silence, as they enjoyed one another's body warmth. Magnus was watching a some chick movie, while Alec silently read through a book.

"Alexander can I ask you something?" Magnus mused breaking the silence for the first time in what felt several hours.

"Of course"

"Why do you like me?" he started. "I mean, I get it and I'm thrilled you do, but I've always wondered, my personality is one that someone like you would normally run screaming from"

Alec tilted his head back enough to see his face. "because I love you"

"no. there has to be more than that. WHY do you love me?"

"because you love me?" he asked still puzzled by the sudden question.

"and I love you very much, but no. do you have a reason to love me?"

"of course I do!" he proclaimed turning his body to face the warlock.

"well then give me some"

"um. You're hot? You are really good at magic. You're great at bed" Alec whispered the last part under his breath. "you dress well. You're hot?"

Magnus let out a laugh "So it seems you love me for my body."

"No!" Alec protested "I love you for several other reasons! I just can't think of any on the spot!"

"Humor me then, come up with 10 reasons you love me and they can't be about being hot or sex! I'll do the same and we can exchange notes on Friday!"

Alec looked at him in concern, but was unwilling to shoot down the idea. "Sure" he said "10 reasons by Friday. How hard could it be" he muttered turning back and returning to his book. Magnus laughed, this would probably be the hardest task of Alec's life.

Friday rolled around and Magnus was returning home from a full day of working on tasks for a client. His feet hurt and all he wanted was to get home and crawl into a bath, preferably with Alec joining, but at this point he wouldn't be too picky. He made his way up the steps into the building too exhausted to simply portal, mentally appreciating the fact Alec normally had to walk everywhere without magic. Magnus made it to the door but before he could open it he noticed the note stuck to the door.

Why I love you:

1. You are the first thought to my day and the last before bed.

2. You know everything about everything

3. the best smile in the mornings

4. Your hair looks like a haystack in the mornings

5. You know how I like my coffee

6. You make me feel happy without even trying

7. Your laugh

8. great taste in music

9. Take me on trips I'd never dream of

10. The way you say my name.

Magnus felt a huge smile spread across his lips as he read the note, and instantly remembered the challenge of the 10 reasons. He felt bad for forgetting, but unlike Alec, he KNEW 10 reasons easily. Still, he was rather pleased that Alec had been cute enough to write a note.

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