5. Bedtimes and setting dates

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-Part 5! But I can officially say I am done with the story with part 6! Maybe I'll do a double update today on this one. :D -


Magnus P.O.V

Magnus had watched helplessly as Alec left in a flurry. Why! He whined in his head. Poor Alexander he looked so upset.

"I'm sorry about that" Spoke his sister. "He's trying but he has a hard time opening up."

"I've noticed. He looked really frazzled" Was all he could say.

"I should go, he is going to need some comforting" Magnus was jealous of the thought. He'd give up anything, even his glitter and makeup, if it meant being able to comfort him. Unfortunately, he knew, at the moment he couldn't.

"Here, let me bag these up for you. I'm sure he'll appreciate it later" it was all he could do.

With everything packed he handed the bag over to the girl as she looked at him sadly.

"Can I ask you for something?" she asked shyly, something he knew was out of character of her even though just meeting her.

"of course, dear, what is it?"

"Please don't give up on him. He's new to this, I'm pretty sure he likes you. Even if he doesn't know how to say it yet."

Magnus stopped and thought it for less than a second "Of course! I've got plenty of time"

"I'm Isabelle by the way" she reached out her hand and Magnus shook it gently.

"Magnus, nice to meet you!"

He waved at the girl as she left, hoping that she'd be able to provide what he couldn't.

It was several hours later when Magnus got home and treated himself to a shower, letting the water calm his nerves. He went to his desk and turned on his computer, the best way to deal with stress for him was always writing. 

He poured in everything into the latest chapter drawing off the cute and awkwardness that was Alexander into his characters.

He stopped then and almost kicked himself, he'd forgotten about the phone number! He scrambled for his work pants and fished out the paper, typing in the number into his phone as if his life depended on it.

He started and erased the message a hundred times before he finally hit send.

Hello Alexander. I hope you are ok. This is Magnus. I hope you don't mind. Isabelle gave me your number.         

Alexander <3: No. It's ok. I'm ok. Thanks.

Good. So, I'm going to just be straight and ask. Would you like to maybe get a drink?

Alexander <3: I'd like that.

Magnus let out a very unfitting squeal as he wiggled in excitement in his bed.

Tomorrow works for you?

Alexander <3: Yeah. Tomorrow works well!

Alexander <3: Want to meet up at The Institute?

Alexander <3: If that's ok

Alexander <3: I mean, if you're ok with being seen with me where you work.

Alexander <3: If not it's ok, you can pick.

Alexander <3: So yeah. Anywhere you want to meet up.

Alexander <3: Sorry for spamming. I'm stopping now.

Alexander <3: Cant wait

Alexander <3: Can't*

Magnus let out a laugh, already imagining Alec panicking as he sent a flurry of text messages one after the other.

The Institute works fine! Meet at 3?

Alexander <3: Yeah. I'll be there.

                                                                                                Good! See you then. Really looking forward to it.

Alexander <3: Me too. Till Tomorrow.

                                                                                                                                Goodnight Alexander. Sweet dreams.

Alexander <3: Good night Magnus.

Magnus felt the smile on his face, sure that it would stay there forever. That had gone so much better than he could ever hope! Granted now that meant he'd never be able to sleep now. Instead he went back to writing deep into the night finishing his chapter and posting it. Still awake he continued to write, this time a new story, starting a loveable boy, a little to awkward for his own good.


It was already quarter to one when Magnus woke up in a panic. He'd overslept! Now normally he'd sleep in on his off days to recover from all his early morning shifts, but today was not the day for that! He jumped out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom taking a quick shower and beginning the process of his makeup. To make it worse, he still didn't know what he was going to wear!

It was 13 minutes passed 3 when Magnus literally ran into The Institute trying to catch his breath as he saw Alec already sitting in his normal spot.

"Alexander!" he said still slightly out of breath as the other boy's head jerked up from his phone. "Been waiting long?

Alec looked up at him and his jaw dropped open. Fully taking in the sight of Magnus dressed for the occasion. Magnus beamed with pride, sure he was a LITTLE late, but hey you couldn't rush beauty! Especially when Magnus was trying to impress.

He looked over at Alec and took him in, he wasn't in his normal black attire, instead he was wearing a navy button up. His face looked smooth, he'd clearly freshly shaved. He couldn't believe that he could look more beautiful.

Alec stood up and made his way towards him. "No, not long. I was reading something"

Magnus took the liberty and embraced Alec as the poor boy froze for a few seconds before returning the hug awkwardly.

"you. You look really nice" he finally stuttered.

"Thank you! So do you! Love the shirt!"

Alec blushed softly finally backing away from the embrace when he remembered there were still people around.

"So ready to go dear?" Asked Magnus.

"Go? Go where? I thought we were staying here" Alec stated in panic, clearly he hadn't planned anything further.

"Oh no silly, we were MEETING here. Come come! There is somewhere MUCH better we can be!" Magnus offered out his arm praying Alec would accept it.

"Lead the way then" managed the boy taking his arm with his own, as they both walked out and ventured onto the streets.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to !
Again the next part is DEFINITELY the last part and it has already been written and spellchecked! Thanks for everyone who has been keeping up with this particular story-line. it turned out to be much longer than I expected!

On a random and unnecessary side note! I've turned 24 today yay! 1 year closer to midlife crisis and death-

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