Glitter And Popsicle Sticks Pt. 1

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-I will be entering this into Maleclovely's latest contest! :D Granted this one will be the permanent one while the other will be deleted once the contest is over. It's a long one! But considering I've been MIA for a while, it seemed fair.-


Magnus sat at his desk, quietly grumbling to himself, not exactly pleased with how things had turned out. At 7 years old he wasn't exactly thrilled to have been put a grade behind and stuck into the first grade with the six-year old's. Granted it wasn't a HUGE difference in age, but considering that the boy named Raj, who was beside him munching on a crayon, Magnus felt centuries older and much more mature. He would have liked to be in his correct grade, with peers his own age, unfortunately for him one parting gift from his horrid father had been keeping him from school enough to warrant being a year behind. In hindsight, if being a year behind meant he no longer had to live in the hell known as his father's home and instead he got to live with the much kinder Santiago family, he probably shouldn't complain.

He continued his far too old for him thinking not paying attention to what the teacher had said. Only coming back to reality when Raphael, his new adopted brother, tapped him on the shoulder and tried to hurriedly explain to them their first task of the new year.

"Just decorate your popsicle stick." Explained the little boy. "And go stick it in the bucket. Entendido?" ((Understood?))

Magnus merely nodded, using context clues and whatever little Spanish he'd learned the past couple of weeks with the Santiago's.

"Decorate stick. Drop in bucket. Got it" he pouted. He could only bet the second graders were probably doing math or rocket science in their class, because he was sure that's what second graders did, but yet here he was coloring a piece of wood while sitting next to the boy who was probably eating his second crayon of the day. He mumbled and looked at the crayons before him, if he would have to play along with these childish antics, he'd at least do things his way he thought as he fumbled inside his backpack and pulled out a bottle of glue he'd packed in case an emergency like this one arose. And with one final sigh he begun to work.

A few moments later and a pretty shiny but still kind of sticky popsicle stick he marched his way to the front. No sooner had he made it to the bucket when he felt someone crash into him and practically tackle him to the ground. Magnus scrambled to his feet quickly trying to determine where this attack had come from but stopped short when he met himself with really bright blue eyes and a messy flop of black hair. He continued to look at the boy, who's face seemed to burn bright red.

"S-S-Sorry" he stuttered. "I tripped. I'm sorry" he mumbled catching his gaze but then almost immediately dropping it to stare at his shoes.

"Alexander. Magnus. Are you two alright?" asked the teacher in concern as both children nodded.

"Alexander?" asked Magnus aloud. What a cool name, almost rolled off the tongue. Meanwhile the Alexander in question practically threw his stick into the bucket and ran back to his desk where he was met with the giggles of a blonde boy.

"Your stick looks lovely Magnus. Great job." Said their teacher when Magnus was lost in thought again.

"Thank you" he muttered. Finally putting his artful creation into the bucket and returning to his desk. Once there he thought back to the bright blue eyes, and for a fleeting moment, he actually wished he'd painted his stick that same brilliant color.

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Magnus found himself grouching again outside. Their teacher's next brilliant idea had been to hand them each a stick and tasked them to find the sticks rightful owner, in what the teacher was convinced would help them make new friends. Raphael had abandoned him almost instantly, not really wanting to be outside for long so choosing to find his match as quickly as possible and go back inside. Meanwhile poor little Magnus wandered about the playground. Of all the luck, he'd somehow been assigned to one of the kids with no imagination and had ended up with a stick that was scribbled almost entirely black. Great.

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