The Perfect Gift

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Sorry it's a bit rushed! This is my entry to Christmas contest for Maleclovely's contest.! :D Some Malec meets Destiel. Enjoy! :D

Alec ran around the store frantically. He was never one to procrastinate, but here he was last minute shopping for a decent present to give to Magnus for the first Christmas they'd celebrate as a couple.

He'd been all across New York! What did you give to someone who literally could make ANYTHING appear, had been ALIVE long enough to not really want anything?

He paced the same aisle absentmindedly. Clothes, no. He had no sense of style. Candy? Magnus wasn't fond of treats. He also wasn't too into technology. He didn't want any new books. A body wash set was too impersonal. Jewelry? Maybe Jewelry! Magnus tended to like accessories!

Alec jumped at the chance of finally having an idea, and practically ran towards the department, in his haste however. He didn't pay attention to where he was going, and with his lanky body and clumsy tendencies, he practically tackled the smaller man into the ground.

"Hey!" he heard shouted as he oriented himself again. "Get off!"

Alec obliged scrambling off and apologizing profusely.

"It's fine I have a tall brother, he does the same if he's not paying attention. Just be careful where you are going!" he scolded. "I mean, it's my fault too. I wasn't paying attention. I'm trying to find a gift."

Alec looked the man over. He looked to be in his 30's but something about him also looked like he'd been through hell. His face looked like one who'd been through a bunch.

"Will you stop staring kid? It's weird" he said as Alec shot back to reality.

"oh! Sorry. You just look like hell."


"I'm sorry!" Alec mentally slapped himself. What was wrong with him? "I'm Alec. I swear I'm not normally this weird"

"Dean. Trust me. I deal with plenty of weird."

The pair excused each other and went back to searching for whatever they were looking for. Several minutes had passed when Alec heard his name be called.

"Alec, hey, let me bounce something off you. Is this a good gift?" he asked over as Alec made his way to him. He saw the item in question, a simple golden necklace with what seemed like angel wings on a pendant.

"It's interesting." Said Alec, not really a good judge when it came to this sort of thing. "Is it for your girlfriend?"

"Ha! No" he said with a laugh.

"Boyfriend?" asked Alec cautiously.

"WHAT? NO!" defended Dean viciously, before he caught himself.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it as an offense. I'm shopping for mine."

This seemed to stop Dean in his tracks. What was Castiel to him anyways? "Oh. Um. I don't know what he is, but he's important."

"Fair enough. It's a cool necklace. I'm sure he'll like it." Dean seemed to mull this over.

The pair went back to their silence and shopping. Dean decided to get the necklace. He was close to leaving when he heard his own name be called out.

"Hey. Do you mind looking at this?" asked Alec cautiously. Dean figured why not and chose to return the favor. Joining him and looking at a silver ring with a carved-out infinity symbol. "I think it's nice. Your boyfriend would like it, I think" he said, but what did he know, he didn't know this guy, much less this guy's boyfriend.

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