6. We're All Mad Here

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A little over two weeks had passed as Alec's life returned to normal. Yet, it didn't feel the same. He found himself wondering, remembering a thing he couldn't place, a face he couldn't name. He remembered golden eyes, and tan skin, but strangely didn't remember them all the same. This was driving him mad. He'd never been one to forget things, and not knowing, was annoying. The end of his shift came as he locked up the library for the night. He looked at his watch, close to 10.

Alec made his way home in the darkened evening and was a little shocked to find the door open. He walked in cautiously, trying to remember whatever karate he'd seen on tv. He heard a weird struggling coming from Jace's room. Was he being attacked? He didn't hesitate, bursting into the room, he'd protect his brother.

Boy, did he regret it. He saw a full display of bodies on his brother's bed. Jace in the middle of not so elegant things with a strange red head.

"JACE!" he yelled out, though he had no right. He was the one interrupting. His brother panicked throwing the covers over himself and the girl. Alec ran out to the safety of the living room.

It was a couple of awkward minutes before Jace and the girl joined him. She'd grabbed one of Jace's shirts and Jace at least gratefully had pants.

"Hello Alexander!" she chippered out to him as he looked at her in concern. He didn't know her, why was she using his whole name.

"It's Alec" he corrected. "And you are?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Magnus called you Alexander I thought that was your name."

"Magnus?" he asked in confusion. Who was Magnus?

"You don't remember him?" she asked in equal confusion. "Funny, he hasn't stopped complaining about you in days."

"Who are you???" He asked again.

"I'm Clarissa, but everyone calls me Clary! I was at the party."

The party? So this girl was from the party he couldn't remember. He shot a face over to Jace, for someone who claimed he didn't remember, he put himself in an interesting position with her.

"I don't know man. She showed up at our doorstep like an hour ago." He tried to explain. "And when she kissed me. All of a sudden, it's like everything made sense. It has to do with Raphael! He did something to us."

"Raphael? Wait. She just randomly kissed you?" he questioned his brother's logic.

"Well, not randomly. See we met at the party. And right then I knew I wanted him. I've never wanted a mundane before, but he. I don't know he's different. And I know I wasn't supposed to come find you, I was specifically warned against it, but I couldn't help it. I wasn't fixing to lose him in my life, just because you stood Magnus' up." She explained. Stood up? He stood up Magnus? When? "Well, I mean technically, you didn't remember that you were supposed to meet him. That's what a warlock taking memories is supposed to do, but still. He was upset and proclaimed it, if anyone of us came for you or Jace, heads would come off by order of the King of the Seelie"

Jace pulled her in comfortably into an embrace. "Look at that! She is breaking the rules, just for me" he said easily, holding her tightly and kissing her cheeks as she giggled. Jace was acting as if all of this was making sense. As if this wasn't at all bonkers!

"I don't understand!" Alec said out in frustration. "Taking memories? Seelie? Mundanes? Warlocks?

"Jace, this is insane! Why are you acting like it's not!"

"Simple brother. I remember. Maybe if you get your memories back it will help you understand it too!"

"Would you like me to kiss you? It worked on Jace. Maybe it will on you too!" offered the red head as Alec threw a disgusted face at her.

"I'll pass, there has to be a better way that doesn't involve me touching you. I don't know where you've been" he looked her over and the frizzy mess that was her hair.

"I've been everywhere, but I'll have you know. As far as vampires go, I'm pretty clean! I'm even careful where I get my blood from! Only grassfed cows and animals thank you very much!" she pouted in protest.

"Blood???? Vampires?" Alec yelped out locking eyes with the girl again, was she on drugs? Was everyone in this house on drugs? That would explain quite a bit actually.

"Ok. That's it. Jace. Come on! This has GOT to be a prank. Where is the cameras? And Ashton Kutcher yelling out 'Pranked'. Now you expect me to believe she is a vampire?"

"You don't have to believe it, just accept that it's true!"

"Vampires aren't REAL" he argued feebly. "

"They are. Everything is real"

"Everything? Like werewolves and mummies and zombies?"

"well.... Not mummies. Zombies is debatable if you count forsaken."

"What?" cried out Alec as his brain threatened to implode.

"Sit down little mundane. You have a lot to learn about all the things that go bump in the night."

And for once, Alexander Lightwood, who was too stubborn for his own good, shut up, sat down, and had a lesson about what really happened in the night.

-Poor Alec, his brain will turn to mush. Second to last part! :D Will be posting the final part of this sometime early next week. Maybe Tuesday, I like Tuesdays. lol 

★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

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