Chapter 27

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It was an early Saturday morning Michael and Justin were riding the bus heading to the mall ( they couldn't drive because they didn't pass there driving test) they were talking " hey you know that girl with the black hair. You know the one Mr. Wilsons class" Michael told Justin " yeah?" Justin said raising an eyebrow know that something was up " well be fore we left to go play last night she asked if Ezra was single" Michael  told Justin who immediately had a 'no way' look on his face "Michael no" Justin said calmly " but it would be good for ezra to see some one again" Michael told him " yeah but what if she dumps ezra be cause he doesn't given into her and by her everything she wants and then he'll blame it on us" Justin told him before Michael could say anything they heard what sounded like something zooming by them " what was that?" a woman on the bus said then they heard like a laser be used and then it hit the bus and everything went black.

Meanwhile ezra was at the auto body shop[ working on an engine " hey ezra!" one of the workers shouted " yeah?" ezra said not looking away from the engine " me and the guys are heading to little Mario's for lunch you in?" the worker asked before ezra could answer they heard what sounded like air raid  sirens go off " what the hell?" Lincoln said as he and the other went outside a looked towards the city to see smoke coming from the city " hey boss what's going what is that thing ?" a mechanic asked " I don't know" Lincoln. just then they heard what sounded like engines they turned to see Humvees  with 50. caliber and M240 machine guns mounted on them the Humvees stooped right outside "whos in charge of this GARGAGE!?" An Army sergeant asked loudly " that would be me" Lincoln stated as he walked towards the sergeant " look I need and your guys out of here now" the sergeant stated " hey wait a minute what the hell is going on!?" a worker asked " we don't know all you need to know is that the army and marine battalions set up an FOB just ten miles that way you need to head that way know" the sergeant said just then they heard what sounded like a zooming plane or something " what's that?" a soldier asked "INCOMING!!" one soldier shouted as three tie fighters where heading towards them a barrage of lasers where fired right at them " MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" the sergeant ordered as the solider manning the machine guns on the Humvees fired a barrage of bullets at the cockpit of the tie fighters.

one of the tie pilots saw the bullets flying towards him but be for he could react the bullets went through the glass cockpit of the fighter and  the pilot was killed by the bullets the entered his ship as it made contact with his body killing the pilot and causing the TIE to collide in to a Humvee  the soldiers had gotten as quick as they could but not quick enough the soldiers where caught in the explosion as the tie crashed and exploded killing some of the soldiers. Ezra saw an M4 assault rifle with an M203 grenade launcher he ran to grabbed the rifle and started to shoot at the two reaming ties that were retuning to the city " hey kid!" ezra turned around to see the sergeant walking towards ezra " you know how to use that thing?" the sergeant asked " Yes sergeant my dad though me and my brothers how to use a rifle" ezra replied " you father in the service?" the sergeant asked " yes sir Staff Sergeant John Martinez 1st Battalion 23rd marines" Ezra replied " well son your not  eighteen so I can't let you come with us"the sergeant told ezra "wait no sergeant!" ezra shouted causing the sergeant to turn around "my brothers are in the city I need to make sure that there safe" ezra told him " I understand that son but your not enlisted" the sergeant told ezra " sergeant ! the one thing my father told me and my brothers is that we don't leave one of our own behind either way going into that city with or without you" ezra told the sergeant " S*** alright get in the Humvee" the sergeant told ezra " yes sergeant" ezra replied 

Ezra turned to  his head ant turned to Lincoln " Lincoln if you see my mom tell her I'm okay" ezra told his boss/coach " don't worry ezra I'll make sure of that know go out there and find your brothers get them outta of there" Lincoln told ezra " yes sir" ezra replied as he turned around and entered the Humvee as the drove off to the city unaware that ezra will find something that will haunt him forever"

( I hope you like this chapter and Oh my god the second trailer for season 4 of rebels had my heart pounding be cause I can fell it in my chest I can't wait to see it in October)                    

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