Chapter 66

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Quaritch   was in the command center " Get me a connection the rebel command on Yavin 4 now I would like to have a word with the half ass leadership" the colonel ordered "yes sir"  a marine replied Quaritch notices Bo Katan and a few other Mandalorians towards him

" I take it you heard what happened " Quaritch said to Bo Katan " Yes and I'm sorry about you men but I'm surprised that the rebels would something like this " Bo Katan said to the colonel 

" It wasn't the rebels" Pierson said as he walked into the command center catching her attention " what do you mean?" A Mandalorian asked Pierson 

" One of men was with the rebellion before he joined the marines he told me that the rebels that attacked us broke away from the rebellion because they where refusing to fight and the leader of the rebels that attacked us was Saw Gerrera " Pierson said the Mandalorian 

" Saw Gerrera I know that name back during the clone wars he was fighting to free his home world of Onderon and after his sister died in the struggle to free it he became very extreme he was the first one to start a rebel  cell on his planet when the empire  rose to power " Bo Katan told Pierson and Quaritch  

" He's been known to do acts of terrorism in the process however and civilians ended up dead in the process " Bo Katan said 

" That would explain as to how ended up CIA's and FBI watch list" Pierson said " Colonel we have information on the sergeant that was executed" An officer said " Well son what do you have?" Quaritch asked the marine officer 

" The sergeant that was executed was  Sergeant Daniel Jacobs of the 75th Ranger regiment it was reported that Jacobs and his squad went MIA during the Naboo Campaign that was about three months ago sir" the officer said to the colonel 

" Have you rechecked this report son?" Quaritch asked the officer " Yes sir three times a friend of my was in that squad" the officer said to Quaritch looked at the officer " Alright son go on head to the city and take some time off you earned it " Quaritch  said to the officer " thank you sir" the officer said and then leaves the command center 

" Colonel the connection to the rebellion is good patching you thought now" an officer 

On Yavin 4 

the rebel leadership was discussing about there next move against the empire Mon Mothma had returned  from earth and told the rest of the leadership that earth was not willing to seek peace with the empire 

" this can't continue any longer we must fight the empire we already lost fifth teen percent of are troops who left to join earth military in the war against the empire if we continue to sit here and do nothing then the planets that we where hoping to free won't even acknowledge the fact that we are a military force or even a rebellion  " Admiral Radius said to the leader ship 

" No there must be a way to bring the empire down with out the use of blood shed " Mon Mothma said still believing that there still could be a way with out the use of military force to end the empire 

" Excuse me senator but we have a transmission coming in from Mandalore" a rebel officer said  from his post " From Mandalore I thought that planet was already liberated ?" Senator Bail Organa said 

Then a hologram of Colonel Quaritch and Sergeant Pierson standing in the command center 

" Colonel Quaritch this is a surprise I thought everything on Mandalore was fine?" Kanan asked the colonel 

" Well Kanan everything was fine until earlier to day when a patrol of marines and Mandalorians where attacked today by your buddy Saw Gerrera and he also executed a sergeant from the 75th Ranger regiment that he had kidnapped from Naboo during the invasion from a few months ago" Quaritch said which shocked them that Gerrera would go to such levels 

" Are you sure that it was Saw Gerrera that executed?" Senator Organa  asked Quaritch  

" Yes because one of the  marines that was with me and my squad was apart of your rebellion before he left and joined the marines he said that saw broke away because you still refuse to fight " Pierson said with his arms crossed 

" We choose not to fight because we believe that there is a way to stop the empire with out the use of blood shed " Mon mothma said to Pierson 

" Well that would explain why hundreds of your soldiers and pilots are leaving your so called rebellion and joining us to actual make a difference because they realize that your leader ship cant' understand that the only way to stop an empire is to fight " Quaritch 

This angered Mon mothma " How dare you!" she shouted at the two marines " Excuse me?" Quaritch said " HOW DARE YOU INSULT US WE TO WON'T TO STOP THE EMPIRE REIGN BUT NOT IF IT COST THE KLIVES OF SO MANY BEINGS! I WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO DIE IF THE BATTLE IS UNSUCCESFUL !" Mon Mothma said catching her breath 

Quaritch and Pierson looked at her " You know a long time ago  there was a dictatorship much like the empires they where known as the Nazis and some of the world leaders thought trying to negotiate  peace with him to save lives and this is what they found when they decided to fight " Quaritch said and the pulls up images of people in ragged clothes that looked like they have been starved  and beaten than another that showed the dead all piled up practically bones with skin still on them image after image horrified the rebel leadership 

" they where innocent people and when some the world leader choose not to fight or thought of things in a peaceful way and then final had the courage to fight that is what they found when the decided to fight Concentration camps like these where used to kill people men women and children a like while some of the government leaders like you refuse to realize that there was a war to fight  " Quaritch  said to mon mothma and then the hologram  disappeared 

Leaving them all there wondering if they should fight or not

( I'm gonna stop it right there and let me know what you think)                                                    

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