Chapter 79

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Six Year later Krownest

two Female Mandalorians in full Mandalorian armor where sparring against each other while a black wolf watched them 

One of the female mandalorians was knocked to her feet " that's another win for me " the mandalorian Female says as she removes her helmet to reveal a Seventeen year old Mira Bridger  

" yeah but i'll get you next time just you wait" the other female said removing her helmet to reveal a nineteen year old Savannah Wren 

" Yeah right you not going to win a single match ain't right boy?" Mira asked her wolf he just looked at the two and walked away 

" I Still can't believe your dad let you keep the wolf" Savannah said to her cousin as they walked towards the exit of the training room " Well when i told him that Revan said the wolf was to guard me he allowed me to keep it he said that the wolf would protect me " Mira said to her cousin 

The two where in the throne room where Mira's brother and sister where along with Savannah's sister all in Mandalorian armor the wolf was walking next towards Mira like it would always do " Hey how sparring?" Ursa asked her sister and her cousin

" Oh it was good" Savannah said to her sister 

" That's a short term for i won again" Mira said with a smile and Savannah just rolled her eyes " I see that my Grand children have gathered in the throne room as i would expect of them " there voice of there Grandparents said the seven ( minus the wolf) turned there heads to see there grandmother Ursa and Grandfather Alrich walking in the throne room 

" Grand mother Ursa and Grand father alrich how was your walk?" Sarah asked her grandparents " Peaceful as always my grand daughter" alrich said to his grand children " Yes even though Mandalorians long for battle the peace is welcoming " Ursa said to her grand children "now you must go and freshen up dinner will be prepared shortly" Ursa said to her grand children who nodded and went into there rooms to freshen up 


Ursa and Alrichs Grandchildren have always behaved at there dinner table the wolf would wait in the corner of the room and eat it's food but today the wolf wouldn't eat instead it would sit up and it's ears would stand Mira notice this and was wondering  what was wrong with her wolf

Outside the compound a group of shadowy figures where watching the compound with the cover of night 

" Kylo Ren sir we have the compound in sight ?" A first order storm trooper said through his com link " Good remember Capture Mira Martinez and bring her to me alive kill the others and her wolf" Kylo Ren said to his  men

" Yes Sir" the  storm trooper said and signaled his men to move into position and wait for his signal to attack  

( I'm gonna stop it right there and let me know what you think)              

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