Chapter 30

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Sabine was in shock to find out that ezra wasn't even from earth. tears began to roll down her face kanan pulled her into a hug to comfort her put she pushed him away and went up the ladders to the top floor of the barn. Kanan tried to say something but ahsoka placed her hand on his shoulder he turned to look at her and she shook her head. kanan looked at the ladder only hoping that the young mandalorian can find her way through this.  

Meanwhile in the city ezra and troops of delta 2-3 made it to alpha company's position but once they got there they were fighting a full scale battle .

" Colonel ! 2-3's here!" a marine shouts to his commanding officer " about dam time you made it here!" the colonel to the army unit " sorry were late colonel it took us a while to get here!" the sergeant replied " sergeant Mitchell U.S army delta 2-3" sergeant Mitchell told the colonel " Colonel Matthews 1st Battalion 23rd Marines Alpha company" colonel Matthews told sergeant Mitchell " colonel Matthews if you can read me this viper 1-1 how copy over?" 

"solid copy 1-1 we need  your cobra to give us support  enemy forces have us pinned down! and we can't advance without support!" the colonel shouted through the coms" roger that colonel were in bound to your location be advise looks like the landed armor near you position " 1-1 reported to the colonel " roger that  will hold out will we can just get here know!" the colonel shouted as got off of his coms unit

ezra could see a down marine leaning on a the back of a 50 caliber machine gun that was position on top of a pick up acting on instinct ezra rushes towards the gun dodging bullets and blaster fire ezra made his way towards the as quick as he can he jumped in the flat bed of the pickup and carefully puts down marine on the flat bed and use his fingers to close the marines eyes. ezra then turns around to the gun and cocks the gun with a round loading in to the chamber and began firing multiple M962 SLAP-T rounds and hitting storm troopers causing them to drop to the floor " hey kid!" ezra turned to see a marine reloading his  M4 " keep up the fire we have them on the run!" the marine shouted  just then they heard a sound of which they have never heard of it sounded like machinery moving towards them in the distance " ah man what the hell is that!"  a marine shouted the looked to she multiple AT-AT's walking towards them.

" all units hold this position no matter what!" the colonel shouted   just then tie fighters came into the battle and began to fire on the U.S. forces one of the tie hit the pick up that ezra was on the blast threw ezra off of the truck as he landed on the hard cement ground his eye lids started to grow heavy as his vision began to blur but he cold see marines fighting readying there bayonets as storm troopers charged towards them

(QUE Humbling river)

" Nature nurture heaven and home Sum of all and by them Driven" 

a marine is knocked down as a storm trooper walks towards and shoots him in the back. an imperial trooper picks up ezra by the arms " commander said bring some of them alive the others are of no use" the trooper said as they smack ezra with the back of the blaster knocking him out.  

Los Angeles

" To conquer every mountain shown"

U.S. soldiers  bayonets storm troopers as he lets out a battle cry "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" as he pulls the trigger emptying the magazine till its empty and pulls out his sidearm  and counties to fire until an AT-AT fires one him sending flying back knocking him on to the ground he looks up at sky to see ties and U.S. fighters firing at each other but the shadow of the AT-AT appears over him as he see's the walkers foot come down on him.

"But I've never crossed the river"


Russian forces fight in the streets as the continue to fight against imperial forces a Russian  Mil Mi-24 hind fires three missiles at imperial forces as Russian soldiers charges towards " URA!" they cry as they charge towards the imperial lines.      

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