chapter 46

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Ezra rex and easy company where making there way through the Umbaran terrain  there company had taken a hard hit out of one hundred and fifty men forty five where killed and thirty two where injured only  seventy three where left including rex and ezra " I don't like this" ezra said to rex " Don't like what ?" Rex asked  when we got here there one hundred and fifty of use and know including us there's on seventy five" Ezra said to rex " I don't see a chance in hell for us to take the air base with being wiped out" Ezra said to rex

" You have a point about taking the airfield but we at least have to try" Rex said to Ezra the they heard explosions in the distance " Must be the Russians the forces are moving towards the capital same as the 2nd battalion 4th marines " the commander of easy company said to them then squadron of Black hawks appeared to land in front of them and men started to exit the chopper " Looks like we got are reinforcements" Rex said to Ezra they heard noises in the back of them the turned around to see Humvees and M1 Abrams moving towards them " Yeah a lot of reinforcements alright" Ezra said to rex the commander of Easy company spoke 

" Alright boys we got fresh troops and 37th armor are here to help us take the base now in three seconds A10s and F22s are going to bomb the air filed in three, two, one" then A1o warthogs and F22 Raptors flew over them 

they watch as the planes flew past them in the direction of the airfield and then explosions could be heard in there directions 

" Alright men move out !" the commander of easy company said to his men as the continued there advance towards the airbase 

On earth Tristan wren sat in a jail cell in a military he lies on his cot and looks up at the celling just wandering about what's' going on he knew that he would be in hear for the rest of his life until today something happens The door to his cell opens he looks to see General Houston walks in and looks at him 

"General Houston" Tristan says as he gets up stands at attention and salutes him " At eases son" General Houston says as he salutes back " With all do respect general what are you doing here?" Tristan ask as he sits on the edge of his cot .

" Well son I'm here to offer a chance to redeem yourself" General Houston said to Tristan " what do you mean sir?" Tristan asked him " The US, British, Japanese, Russia, and UN forces are planning an invasion of a planet called Mandalore know from what I heard that is where your from is that correct ?" General Houston asks Tristan " Uh yes sir that is correct" Tristan says to General Houston as he pulls out a cigar " Good because we need someone who's been there before and knows the place very well now is there anything else you want to tell me about the planet?" General Houston asks Tristan 

" Yes sir while you concern for my home planet is noted my mother and my self would like for you and earth to stay out of are affairs this situation should be solved by Mandalorians not outsider it would dishonor us and what all Mandalorians stand for " Tristan said to General Houston 

General Houston takes a hit from the cigar and then removes it from his mouth letting the smoke come out  of his mouth he looks a Tristan with a look He knew that General Houston would say something to him he just didn't know what  

" Dishonor yourselves" General Houston said to Tristan " Look around you son your people slaughtered men women and children some that haven't even learn how to talk wright or walk and you talk about dishonoring yourselves with the allies invading your home to liberate from the empire and your talking about Your honor for you and your people because if you honor means only caring about yourselves and slaughtering others just to prove how strong you are then son you no better then the terrorist pieces of S*** that we killed in the past  before the war with the empire " General Houston said to Tristan 

Tristan didn't say anything but look down in shame he knew that everything that  General Houston said was true but he just didn't want to admit because of his pride and stubbornness of being a Mandalorian. General Houston sighed he looked at Tristan " well if you won't listen to me then I brought someone here who you might listen to " General Houston said he then puts his hand out side the door and gestured for someone to come in 

Tristan look at the entrance to his cell and much to his shock it was Maria Cortez General Houston exits the cell and closes the door 

" Maria" Tristan says as he hugs her she hugs him back Tristan then notices that her stomach was a little round 

" Tristan " Maria said catching his attention " I don't know what you did but I don't care also I just want to be with you because" Maria stopped her self because she was on the verge of crying 

" Because what?" Tristan asked in a concern voice as he held her closer " Tristan" Mari said as she grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach He widen his eyes in shock " Tristan where going to be parents " " And I don't want are child to know that there father was a traitor I want To know that they were good people who did what was right and I want them to have both of there parents in there lives "Maria said to him 

Tristan was hit hard by this he was facing the difficulty of dishonoring himself    even more by giving the allies intel about Mandalore to get them involve with the war against the empire but he the last thing he needed was for his child to see him as a coward " I'll do it" Tristan said 

" what?"  Maria asked " I  tell general Houston what about I know about Mandalore but not for him . I'm doing it for you and are child" Tristan said as he laid his head on Maria's she buried her head into his chest " Tristan knock on the door on the inside of his cell The cell opened and general Houston  stepped into the cell to Tristan and Maria " I'll do it general  but there are somethings that I want first" Tristan said to Houston 

 " and that might be?" Houston asked " I want a full pardon from this and I don want this to fall back on me and Maria and are child and I would like to be able to fight with my people " Tristan said to him " That could be arranged" Houston said " I want to be able to stay on Krownest  where my mother and most members of my Mandalorian clan is" Tristan said " That could be done " General Houston said 

( i'm gonna stop it right there and let me know what you think)                                                               

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