Chapter 34

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Kanan and zeb took the phantom and flew in the direction of the bombers. While hera and the others took the ghost and flew in the direction of where the bombers came from. 

With Hera. hera was sitting in the  cockpit of the ghost with ahsoka, sabine, rex and the rottweiler puppy flew in the direction of were the bombers came from  " how long till we get there?" rex asked as he sat right behind hera "don't know will find out when the local military see's us" hera responded just then chopper let a couple of beeps telling them that there being contacted " alright patch through chop" hera told the droid "are your sure that's a good idea they don't exactly know that where or that were not with the empire" rex said to hera " it may not seem like a good idea but we have no other choice for all we know the leadership could be hiding or busy directing there forces against the empire" Hera said to the clone veteran 

"attention unidentified aircraft you are in restricted U.S. military airspace walk i den  proceed east if you do not comply we will you use force do you copy"  a voice came through the comms with a hint of authority. Hera was hesitant to reply but she knew that this was no time to hesitate  " this is captain Syndulla of the ghost I'm requesting permission on your base do you copy?" hera asked through the comms " that's a negative captain as of right know  all runways are being used for at fighters and bombers" " please we have intel on the enemy force that are attacking your people " hera said through the comes there was a long pause " copy that captain Syndulla well have F-35 fighters escort you to our Forward Operation Base" the voice said and the transmission ended.

There was an Eire silence in the cockpit having just spoken to member of earth's military "do you think there going to be friendly when they see us?" rex asked as from sitting behind the pilot seat " not sure but if they need intel on the empire and how they operate there not going to pass up on an opportunity like that" hera said to the clone captain just then a beeping sound came from the counsel hera turned as quick as she could " scan reads multiple tie's incoming Sabine man the top turret rex nose gun!" hera ordered as the ghost began to shack violently " lets hope that those fighters get here before these ties shot us down" ahsoka said as she sat in the copilot seat "lets hope so" hera said as she began to take evasive maneuvers to avoid the tie's fighters

With kanan and zeb

the Jedi and lasat were bored out of there minds as the flew towards were the bombers had taken off to " rrrgggghhhhh how much longer this even more boring then sitting through those mission debriefs back at base" zeb said to kanan who let out a heavy sigh " your not lying this boring" kanan said " were are those blasted bombers we should have seen them by know ?" zeb asked since they were looking for the bombers that passed over them be fore they spit up with hera " don't know but the scanners indicating that there's a lot of activity so don't worry you won't be bored for long" kanan said as he continued to pilot the phantom as he continued to pilot the ship until a voice came over the comms " this is dog 5 i got one my tail can't shake him!" shouted a pilot " roger that dog 5 I'll take care of him don't worry just make he stays still " shouted another kanan and zeb looked out the widow of the phantom to see earth and imperial tie fighters in dog fight and to see flames and smoke plumes from the fire below rise up from the ground below  " you know there aren't a whole lot of tie fighters  for a dog fight this big!" zeb shouted as he try to keep his balance  from falling down as kanan was avoiding getting hit by any of the fighters  " your right my guess is that those bombers were probably aiming for most of the imperial  air forces" kanan said to zeb.

With hera

" Sabine got a tie coming from behind!" hera shouted " copy that i got him!" sabine replied as use the top gun to shot down  " if those fighters get here soon we won't be up in the air for much longer!" rex said to hera through the comms " you let me worry about that  just try to keep those ties off are back" hera replied. then the scanners began to pickup multiple ships coming towards them " please tell me that those aren't ties?" sabine asked through the comms  hera look out of the cockpit to she fighters of some kind fire on the remaining tie fighters then one by one the tie fighters were being knocked out of the sky " hera are you seeing this!?" sabine asked completely shocked about what just happened " yeah sabine i saw it" hera replied " captain Syndulla this is commander keyes do you copy?" commander keyes asked hera  " copy commander you came at a great time i didn't know how long my ship and crew have be fore you showed up" hera said with a sigh of relief " copy that captain follow us and well take you to our base" commander keyes told hera as his F-35 fighter flew pas the cockpit " roger that commander" hera replied as the ghost followed the U.S. fighter group back to there base hoping to finally make allies with earths military forces.

( i hope you enjoy this chapter and pleas feel free to review P.S. i would like to know which episode of season three should i star on be fore going to season four because this story takes place in the middle of season three. So pleas help figure out which episode should  I start on in season three and pleas review on and have a happy new year)                                            

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