Chapter 72

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It's been months since the Ryloth by the allies and those months turned into years and in those years the war dragged even with a victory at he battle of Endor and the formation of the new republic 

remnants of the empire refused to give up and earth's governments made it clear at the start of the  war that they will not stop till the empire is no more the battles that where fought after Endor where bloody the empire unleashed cinder stateliest that where used to manipulate the weather the first bloody battle after endor was Naboo the empire had tried to retake but there efforts where flawed and new republic and the allies where not going to stop until the empire  surrendered the following months after endor lead the new republic and the allies to desert planet of Jakku earths military consisting of two whole fleets from every country  joined in the last great battle of the war  

where the imperial where making there las stand

in the air and on the ground the battle raged 

Marines  where in fire fight storm troopers 

" In coming!"  a marine shouted as he fired his  rifle " LEFT SIDE! LEFT SIDE!" another marine shouted as he fired M1 Abrams rolled crossed the desert firing at imperial walkers  Imperial  AT-ATs where firing at the new republic and allied positions 

A Russian T-90 fired at the AT-AT neck destroying the walker A Us soldier was firing an M249 at storm troopers when he heard something a loud boom he looked up to see the last imperial super star destroyer crash down to the planet below but he saw an endurance class blow up he knew that this battle was not like before he and every other solder knew that this was the empire's last stand as he fired his machine gun he saw him Lt General  Ezra Martinez in Mandalorian armor leading a charge with his light saber in one hand and his rifle in the other the soldier along with many others followed him in to battle over the course of the war him and Tristan wren had been a symbol of hope against the empire and there actions got them promoted faster than anyone in the military history   

ezra brought his light saber down on a storm trooper and slashed another across the chest as he lead the charge Tristan wren lead Mandalorian Rebels and earth troops in the battle he fired his rifle at three storm troopers killing them  

After hours of constant fighting the battle was over and the empire was finally defeated 

Ezra was standing on top of his ship he was looking at the sunset  he had a shadow of a mustache and beard growing ( think of fives from the clone wars) " It' s over" Tristan said as he walked up behind ezra  

" Yeah " Ezra said to his brother-n-law and friend " yeah  After five years It's finally over just wish my old man and brothers could've been here to see it " Ezra said to Tristan " you know before this all started me and my brothers made a promise to each other " Ezra said 

" what was it ?" Tristan asked ezra " that we would stand by each other no matter  what and if some messed with one of us then they messed with all three of us " Ezra stopped and to a deep breath " and when the war started back on earth and they where killed I promised myself that every kill I made was for them and my old man and I'll keep there memory alive. When I found out sabine was pregnant  with our kids and they where triplets I named my boys after them" 

ezra looked back at the sunset  "now the war is over and  It's time to start a new Sabine and me agreed to live on lothal it's peaceful there and a perfect place to raise are boys and daughters  there" Ezra said to Tristan 

"Me and sabine agreed to teach earth's Jedi and Mandalorian ways so that they know where they come from" Ezra said to Tristan the two head inside the ship as the sun sets and day becomes 

Eight years later 

Lothal city inside a two story house that had six bed rooms and four bath rooms 

Ezra and his wife where fast as sleep she was using his chest as a pillow and he held her close as the two where sleeping there thirteen year old sons wear trying to sneak in there room with potato guns in there hands they where taking aim and there fingers were approaching the trigger until

" If you three shoot me and you dad with those guns your going to spend the weekend with my mother " sabine said to her sons 

this caused the three to lower there guns and walk out of there room slowly and the three boys ran to there respective rooms 

Ezra chuckled at what his wife said to there sons  " It's always funny when you do that" Ezra said to his wife as he plant a kiss on her head 

" Yeah I know but at least it gives us some time to be alone " sabine said as she held her husband closer to her 

" what time to the girls get back?" Ezra asked " Around ten and it's eight thirty right know" Sabine said they where refereeing to there two daughters Sarah and Mira Martinez  sabine was pregnant with them a two years after she and ezra had there boys 

the boys where thirteen and there girls where elven 

" Well let's get dressed and tell the boys to get ready so we can go and pick them up at the space port" Ezra said to his wife as he went to get his sons  and his wife went towards the shower 

three hours later 

The Martinez family where driving towards the space port  ever since lothal was taken from the empire by the allies  the planet was able to rebuild and it was looking a lot better business, autobody shop schools hospital etc.  after the war earth government form then united nation space federation or  earth federation where every government put there differences aside and formed on government  they where close to the new republic and where strong allies  

ezra and sabine where glade to raise there family during a time with out war. but soon that will change

( sorry if this seems rushed but I went to get a few chapters out of the way because star wars resistance and I want to connect it to this story but let me know what you think)                                                

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