Chapter 36 (part 4)

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Sabine looked at Revan and the black wolf who were standing right in front of sabine " what do you want with us?" sabine asked them but received no reply she saw revan bend down to were she was and proceed to place his hand on ezra's face and closed his eyes for a brief moment and the looked at sabine

"look after my son" revan told sabine which'd caught her off guard and widen her eyes "your son" she mothered  those words through her mouth.

"Over there the shots sounded like they came from over there!" she heard someone shouted she Knew that it was the soldiers.   she turned her head to see where they were coming from  but couldn't see them when she turned her head she saw that revan and the wolf were  gone. 

Soon she felt ezra moving around she looked down to see him open his eyes

" ugh what happened?" he asked sabine as he sat up and looked at her and notice that there where some tears in her eyes  " sabine are you alright ?" he asked right when he saw the tears in her eyes. He didn't receive an answer but received a huge tight huge from the mandalorian

" don't scare me like that ever again" she said as she tried to hold back the tears from he hugged her back " don't worry I won't" he said to her softly just then a squad soldiers emerged from the woods with there rifles amid at the two

" stay right were you are!" "Don't move hands in the air were we can see them!" one of the  soldiers to them

" whoa hey it's okay were on your side" Ezra said to the squad leader causing him to walk towards him and Sabine " okay if your on our side why the hell were you shooting off your side arm?" the squad leader asked ezra

Ezra just simply pointed over to the body of the deceased sith causing some of the soldiers to look over to the body  " well that explains that then" the squad said  and then turned to the rest of  the squad 

"alright lets mount up and head back to base" the squad leader to his men 

" hey Sarge what about that thing?" one of the soldiers said to the squad leader " bag it well take it back to base and let the egg heads examine the body" the sergeant said to the soldier 

He began walking back with his squad and left towards the base with ezra and sabine right behind them

Imperial Controlled territory 

 Thrawn and Gar saxon were in the command center looking over the progress of the occupation of earth how ever the results weren't what they were expecting 

In Russia the imperial forces went from from one hundred percent to thirty percent even the imperial mandalorian forces were unable to beat the Russian forces all over the world  the imperial forces were struggling maintain a foot hold on the planet.

Both Thrawn and Saxon  were discussing tactics to move troops to final get a grip on the planet but was interrupted when an officer approached them 

" excuse me sir" the officer said to thrawn "what is lieutenant?" Thrawn asks the officer 

"you have an incoming transmission from Admiral Versio" the lieutenant said to thrawn 

" hmm I see and what does Versio want?" thrawn asks the lieutenant " he didn't say sir he said he would only talk to you" the lieutenant says "very well let the transmissions through" thrawn said.

Then a hologram of Admiral versio 

" Admiral Versio this have better be important" thrawn asks Versio 

"It is 'Grand Admiral' " versio said to Thrawn " so tell me Grand admiral how do you plan to tell the emperor that you have wasted multiple resources to maintain a foothold on this planet and the amounts of equipment, troops, everything that we have sent to make this planet bow down to the empire!" Versio shouted at thrawn looked at him with his neutral expression " is that admiral Versio?" thrawn ask on for versio to shake his head 

" no Grand Admiral I am not finished And when are you exactly going to realize  that this planet is a lost cause and that you have failed to keep the rebellion!" Admiral Versio shouted at Thrawn who kept his neutral expression 

" Admiral versio May i remind you that i out rank you and that i know that this will come at a costs of not just our forces and but the rebellion as well" Thrawn said to versio " Explain Grand Admiral?" Versio asked him

" what i have learned from the small amount of time that we have been on this planet I come to realize that the natives of this world are not to ignore the call of war once we have left this system the natives will cry for open war something and that is the one thing rebellion is not yet ready for. and when the rebellion tries to convince the natives that open war is not the answer there alliance will break and those who are in the rebellion will leave the rebellion and flock to join the planets military to fight to free there home world and from there the rebellion will be torn apart. So you see Admiral Versio Fighting to gain a foothold on this planet is  not just a mire wast of time but a way to use this planets military to break the rebellion apart." Thrawn said to versio " Very well lets us hope you are not wrong Grand Admrial" Admiral Vesrio said as he caught off his transmission to thrawn

" Believe Admiral versio I'am not wrong I'am merely preparing the Galaxy for a new form of war" Thrawn says

( Cliffhanger please review and let me know What you think of this chapter and sorry I took long for the update Again i'm sorry and please review)                      

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