Chapter 76

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Outside of the Martinez house hold a group of four people where walking towards 

" What's wrong Shriv ?" A women asked " Oh nothing Iden except for the fact have that we have to come all the way here to ask Ezra and Sabine the same question and get the same question and get the same answer" Shriv told Iden Versio  who was walking with her daughter Zay 

" Oh come on uncle Shriv you never know they might change there mind this time" Zay  Versio said to her adopted uncle " Yeah right that's what you said the last time and they still said no" Shriv said as they reached the front door Iden was about to knock on the door  when she noticed her husband Del standing at the feet of the road looking at a man who was across the street who was looking at Del

Iden could tell by the way the man was looking at Del that they had meet before  but when she saw the man turn around and walk she saw that he had the symbol of the Russian federation armed forces  Iden then knew that Del was sent to Russia at the begging of the war.

From what she heard very few imperials survived most of them where executed by the Russians Del's unit was completely wiped out he was one of the few to survive 

" Del are you okay ?" Shriv asked as he walked towards his friend Del turned around to face him " Yeah just having a flash back" Del told his daughter 

( Flash back Moscow the start of the war)

A young Del Meeko was with his unit for days they have been in Moscow the capital of Russia there have been assigned to capture the capital for the empire but the Russian Federation was proving to be more effective against the empire then they thought But he knew that the empire will succeed in the campaign against the natives but they where wrong

" This is squad eight were are approaching the landing zone" the imperial Squad leader said through the comms " copy that squad 8 your objective is clear capture the capital and make sure that natives are dealt with and no prisoners" the imperial said to the storm trooper in command of the squad

" Attention to any imperial forces in the are this is squad 5 were falling back the enemy forces have-" the transmission was cut and be fore they new it Russian anti-air craft fire Started to erupt all round them before they knew there gunship had been shot out of the sky and everything went black 

Del began to open his eyes and saw his squad mates being shoot to pieces By the Russian Army those that where still alive where firing back but the hail of bullets keep coming Del stood up and began to fire his E-11 blaster at the Russian forces 

for and hour the fire fight lasted but the Russian attack helicopters where brought in to push back the imperials for the remaining imperials in Del's   squad it was the end as the rockets fired from the helicopter the remaining storm troopers where either killed or wounded  Del was one of the wounded 

Del could see a Russian Spetsnaz commando walking calmly through the smoke Del watched him as he held an AK74 in one hand fired a few shots into storm troopers that where struggling to move del watched his squad mates were shot one by one then he came to Del

Del waited for the Russian to shoot him but instead the Russian kneeled down to look at" What are you looking at shoot me already Del said to the Russian  " Not Yet but when the time is right we will meet each other again and then we shall see" the Russian said  as he kicked del in the face knocking him out

( end of flashback)

Dell was standing next to Iden and rang the door bell and the door opened to reveal Kanan " Oh Iden, Del I didn't expect you guys to be here" Kanan said to them 

" Yeah well shriv need a ride to lothal and when he told us as to why we figured to drop by and say hi to ezra and sabine" Iden said to kanan " funny so did we come on in " Kanan said as he let Del, Iden there daughter Zay and shriv in to the house hold 

( I'm gonna stop it right there and let me know what you think)                            

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