Chapter 33

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Kanan had contacted Hera telling her to bring the ghost to there location and since it was night time using the cover of darkness Hera was able to fly the ghost without the empire or the military spotting the ship it took hera no time at all to reach kanan and the others and land the ghost right between the house and the barn of the Martinez residents the ramp from the ghosts cargo haul opens up hera, zeb and chopper exit the ghost cargo bay.

"we can see smoke from here i take it things aren't going so good for the empire?" kanan asked raising an eyebrow. Hera looked at him " nearly half of the city is destroyed and is divided by the local military and the empire" hera told kanan "so which side are we on?" rex asked raising an eyebrow " while the technology here is primitive chopper was able to show me a holomap apparently were on the side that is controlled by the local military while the other half is under the empire's control" hera said.

Kanan was about to say something to hera until a they began to hear what sound like aircrafts taking off was heard the group began to look around but were unable to see where the noise was coming from chopper let a couple of beeps and tapped into a comm channel " base this is Tiger one we at passing the half way mark be advise we have no enemy contact so far how copy over?" " solid copy Tiger one be advise we lost contact with the army's ranger reconnaissance's team just twenty minutes ago" roger that we'll contact you when get to the target area and hopefully try to save some of the action for the rest of our forces" the pilot said with a little hint of humor in his voice" Tiger one this is general Houston i don't need to remind you how important this bombing campaign is son" "roger that general be advise we are entering hostile airspace know" "roger that son god speed" after the chopper turned off  there was an uneasy silence  Between the rebels trying to figure what would be the purpose of a bombing  until realization hit them " there going to bomb the empire" zeb said breaking the silence "no not bomb attack" rex said to zeb causing the others to turn to him " what do you mean attack?" hera ask the clone captain " over the transmission you heard the general sayin something about a bombing campaign and when there's a bombing campaign there's always a ground assault right behind i know this because it we did in the second battle of Geonosis" rex said remembering the battle to capture the planet " it that's true then there's no doubt that the ground assault is going to take place soon" hera said to rex and the others.

ahsoka was standing next to kanan listening to rex and hear " do you think the local military will have a chance to beat the empire?' kanan whispered to ahsoka " i don't know for sure but if they preforming  a bombing campaign then a ground assault will follow" ahsoka told kanan then she felt something brush up against her leg she looked down to see the Rottweiler pup brushing against her leg getting ready for a nap ahsoka reaches down picks up the pup " are you tired little guy?" ahsoka asked receiving a small yawn from the pup hera the looks at the animal  raising an eyebrow

"and who might this be?" Hera asked walking towards ahsoka " this little guy is zeb "  ahsoka said to Hera causing her to smirk and causing the lasat to frown Hera was about to say something kanan said something to them " look we can talk about that thing later right know we need to follow those bomber and see where there going" kanan said to all of them just then the sound of explosions echoed through the air. they look toward where the explosions came from and could see a reddish a color in the distance color with large explosions emerging from the distance .

Hera looks at the rest of her crew " in the ghost know" hera said to them as they began to make there way towards the ghost cargo hold " WAIT!" sabine shouted causing them all to stop and turn to her " what is it sabine ?" rex asked raising an eyebrow " i just got in idea" sabine said walking towards them " and that is?" kanan asked with an eyebrow raised " why don't we split up into two different teams kanan and zeb take the phantom to do reconnaissance's of where the bombers went while the rest of us go to where they took off from and try to aid the local military with tactics to use against the empire" sabine suggested since there original plan was trying to recruit the locals to join the rebellion.

Hera had though about for a minute  until she made a decision "Alright kanan, zeb, you two take the phantom and try to see what exactly those bombers hit but don't engage unless you have to. while the rest of us go and try to make friends with local military" hera told the Jedi as he replied with a nod as he and zeb went to see where the bombers took off to while the others had gone to meet the military.

( sorry for the late chapter i hope this makes up for and i would like to know which episode of season three the story should star on because it takes place in the middle. P.S. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! )                                                                 

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