Chapter 32

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U.S. military zone Texas:

As F-22 and A-10  began to fuel and arm for the bombing campaign ezra was in a military tent looking at him self in a mirror as he was wearing a full military attire  from the us Marines he couldn't help but feel like he knew this mission was going to end badly he heard someone entering the tent he turned around to see his father looking at him there was and eerie moment of silence between the two until john said something " look ezra I want you to know that I love you and the I want you to be safe." john said to his son

ezra looked at his father with a little bit of sadness in his eyes john knew what that sadness was and he couldn't help but let the sadness that was built up inside of him out " look I know it's hard to except  that your brothers are gone believe its hard for me to" he said to ezra with tears rolling down his face " but there with god know he's watching over them in his kingdom and I know that one day when you, your mothers and mine time comes we'll  be with them again. you just got to have faith son" john said to ezra as he looked at his son wiping the tears from him and his sons face john just looked at ezra and had a slight smile " You know I thought I would be out of the Corps be fore I would have seen you or your brothers in that uniform" john said to ezra causing him to chuckle " well life has it ways of surprising you huh dad" ezra said to his dad

" yeah ,yeah it does" john says to his son just then a voice came over a loud speaker " Attention, Attention will ezra Martinez please report to the command center I repeat will ezra Martinez please reports to the command center" the loud speaker finished announcing " well it looks like I'm need" ezra said with a shy smile " (deep breath) yeah sure looks that way come on I'll so you to were the command center" john said to ezra

Troop barracks

Tristan was sitting on his cot in the units sleeping quarters thinking about everything that has happened " what have I done?" he asked himself  ' you doing this for your family for mandalor for you families place in the capital and it's honor' his self conscious told " no there is no honor in this watching men women and innocent children being slaughtered  in name of  the empire" he said to his self conscious ' why do you care about what happens to this planet full of primitives!' his self conscious shouted at him ' there lower beings that well be thought a lesson for standing against us against the empire. remember this is for the empire and mandalore' his self conscious told him Tristan got up from his bunk an walked towards  a mirror that was in there barracks he took a long look at himself he saw himself in his U.S. military attire but he see's that it changes to the imperial mandalorian armor he looks down in shame about what he is doing " hey Tristan you alright?" Blackburn asks his friend from boot camp " huh?... Yeah, yeah I'm fine" Tristan lied to his friend

"ok well come on we got gear prepared for the assault" Blackburn told him "hey you might wanna hurry up the fighter and bombers are starting to take off" Blackburn told Tristan as he walks out of the barracks. Tristan looks at himself one more time then turned around to get prepared for the assault

In the command center

general Houston was with his second command colonel Packard looking at images a predator drone captured of imperial forces on half of occupied Houston " looks like enemy armor is positioned two miles near there air units" colonel Packard said to general Houston " what are we looking at so far besides from armor and air units that the enemy has?" general Houston asked Packard

" intel says at least five troop battalions but recon reported in just five minutes ago says the landed and extra three battalions" Colonel Packard told general Houston "  well have to tell the bombers to make sure that they level them out" general Houston said to colonel Packard " what's the statues in Austin and Dallas?" Colonel Packard asked his commanding officer " Same there as every were else. the battalions up there are supposed to keep enemy forces occupied so that when are assault begins they won't over whelm us" general Houston told Packard " what about the enemy warships?"  he said pointing at an image of an imperial star destroyer and three imperial cruisers" we have one of those new warships retribution class battleship and two of those Endurance class cruiser and we have  a group of Areligh burke missile class destroyers outfitted with tomahawk missile capable of reaching enemy targets on the land there on stand by for know but there ready if wee need them" general Houston told his second in command.

Just then Ezra and his father walked in to the command center  john saluted his commanding as did ezra since he didn't what him or his dad look bad " at ease staff sergeant" general Houston said to ezra's father. colonel packer looked at john then looked at ezra " Are you staff sergeant Martinez's son?" colonel Packard asked ezra " yes sir" ezra replied " I understand that you went within army unit to the city" colonel Packard said to ezra " yes sir that is correct" colonel Packard asked ezra " the army unit received a distress call from alpha company that was under that command of a colonel Matthews I saw and unmanned 50 cal. I loaded the gun and begin firing on the enemy soldier colonel Matthews was told that air support  was inbound and would be there soon put enemy armor came and fire on the position I was on the I was knocked out by the enemy and I don't know what happen after that except for on of my dad's men rescued me from the enemy" ezra told general Houston and colonel Packard " do you know what to colonel Matthews after that?" general Houston asked ezra " no sir I don't" ezra replied  general Houston let out a sigh " well that settles that." general Houston said " staff sergeant" general Houston  said " yes sir" john replied " I understand that both your boys are no longer among the living I'm sorry for your loss john. but I need you here and know this assault could turn this whole thing  around and puss theses sons of  B****es out of here" General Houston said to ezra's father the turned to ezra " know I now your not enlisted our of age  but I need people who can fight and from what I heard is that your a good shot know do you want to avenge your brothers  or back down and let more innocent  people  so I'm asking you this one question son are you in or are you out?" general Houston asked ezra " I'm ready to fight and do what's right for country" ezra said causing Staff sergeant Martinez General Houston and colonel Packard to smile " well son welcome to the marines" general Houston said to ezra " thank you sir" ezra said

Colonel Packard looked at staff sergeant Martinez " that's one dedicated son you have there john" colonel Packard said " thank you colonel" staff sergeant Martinez said " okay know you two try to get some shut eye the assault starts soon" general Houston said as ezra and his father said as they saluted and proceed to walk out of the command center to prepare  for a huge assault on the empire                                                                                           

( okay sorry it takes me long to update it's just been crazy this past week with thanksgiving and all but I hope this chapter makes up for it and pleas feel free to review and also how many chapter do you think I should do be fore I go from season three to four I would like to hear you answer)

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