Chapter 63

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Ezra was standing outside on the balcony of his and Sabines quarters on Krownest he had a lot on his mind he was thinking about Sabine and his kids he wanted to be there for his kids not matter what and he wanted to be with Sabine with the rest of his life he had gotten a ring from his mother incase he was going to pop the question he wanted to ask her but he couldn't think of a prefect place until he remembered  where he and Sabine kissed  for the first time Texas 

Two hours later ezra was in the throne room was with alrich  the two were talking " Ezra is there a reason as to why you had asked me to meet with you?" Alrich asked " Yes sir there is " Ezra said to alrich making the men laugh a little bit 

" You know you don't need to formal with me you know" Alrich said to ezra " I'm sorry it's just something me and my brothers grew up to respecting the father of the girl that where with it's something my father taught us as we where kids" Ezra told Alrich " ah I see now it's is always good to respect the parents of the ones you care about it shows  that your worth in Mandalorian culture " Alrich said to ezra " Thank you and the reason I asked you to meet with here is because I Want to ask your permission to Marry Sabine she  means the world to me sir and I will do anything to keep her and my kids safe even if it will cost me my life" Ezra said to alrich

Alrich smiled at Ezra he never thought in his entire life  he would meet someone who would risk anything for his daughter until today

Alrich places a hand on his shoulder " you have my permission to marry sabine " Alrich said to ezra " Thank you si- I mean Alrich thank you" Ezra said to alrich making him smile " when do you plan to propose to sabine?" alrich asked ezra " I was thinking of proposing to her where we meet back in Texas where I grew up on earth " Ezra said to Alrich before alrich could say anything 

" Then me and Alrich will accompany you as well" ezra and alrich turned to see Ursa standing at the entrance of the throne room 

" I know that you have planned to propose sabine on your home world but me and alrich would like to accompany you as well  just to see what exactly this earth is like" Ursa said to the two 

Ezra and Alrich looked at each other and shrugged the shoulders

Two hours later Ezra, Sabine, Alrich, and Ursa where in the gauntlet 

Tristan and Maria stayed at the compound so they could spend sometime together and Tristan said he had something to give Maria 

Ezra had put the coordinates for earth in the Nav computer and the gauntlet entered hyper space.

 Ezra and sabine contacted Hera and Kanan on Yavin 4 and told them that they where going to earth ezra had told them that about the proposal he also said that he told them that he told sabine that they where going to check on his mother 

" Well it's looks like the kid is going to pop the question to sabine" Kana said to Hera " Yeah it looks like are young Mandalorian is growing up" Hera said to kanan. Kana looked around and notices that he and Hera where the only ones on the ghost 

" Hey where's zeb and chopper?" kanan asked hera " I had check on the fighters so they could leave me alone " Hera said to kanan making him chuckle " You know you could help me unwind since I came back from the frontlines on Mandalore" Kanan said to hera

" Oh yeah and how exactly would I do that" Her asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow " follow me to my room and I'll tell you" Kanan said as he got up from his spot in the comm room  Hera had a confused look on her face for a second and then realized what kanan was getting at and followed him to his room

Mean while on Krownest 

Tristan  walked into his and Maria's quarters carrying a crate he had made something for her he see's her using a Data pad and see's his daughter asleep in her crib asleep Maria had lost the weight from her pregnancy so he thought it would be perfect 

" what are you looking at?" He asks her making her jump

" you scared me " She said making her laugh a little bit and him smile " I'm just looking at news reports about the war the empire is holding a tight grip on the territories they haven't lost yet" Maria said to her husband she lets out a sigh " I wish I could be out  there fighting against them" she told her husband 

Tristan walks over to her and places the crate down in front of her " what's this?" she asks with a raised eyebrow " It's a little something that I made for you" Tristan said to his wife with a smile she looks at him curiosity and opens the crate much to her surprise it was a full set a of female Mandalorian armor 

" Is this for me ?" She asks him he has a smiles and nods his head she hugs and asks him to leave the room for a quick second which agrees after a few minutes Maria opens the door to there quarters and lets Tristan in he looks at his wife and see's that the body suit and armor fits her perfectly " Well how do I look?" Maria asks as she holds her helmet underneath her arm

" you look amazing " Tristan says as he walks up to his wife and places his arms around her waist " are you doing to teach me how to use this jet pack and fight like the rest of your people ?" Maria asks her husband 

" Of course your married to the son of the leaders of clan wren and I want us to raise are daughter in both of are customs " Tristan says just then there  daughter started wake up the two walk towards and pick up there daughter and smiled at there little girl

(I'm gonna stop it right there and let me know what you think)                  


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