Chapter 49

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The command center was completely silent when Tristan said he was going  to be a father not even General Houston knew about it there was an eerie silence between them 

" your what?" Ursa asked in disbelief after hearing what her son said " I said I'm going to be father and I don't want my child growing up knowing that there father was apart of terrorist who attacked all because the believed it was honorable to do so" Tristan said to Ursa 

" I believe we should leave right now before some one gets shot" colonel Blake whispered to Sato and Wilson but before any of them could reply " And he's no the only one" everyone turned to sabine " Sabine?" Ursa aske her daughter 

" mother there's something I have to tell you and it's important" sabine said to Ursa " I'm pregnant " sabine said to Ursa which shocked both her and Tristan " I'm out" a US soldier says as he gets up from where he was stationed and leaves quickly and so do the British and rebels exit as well as well as colonel Blake commander Sato and colonel Wilson 

Ursa looks to her Mandalorian warriors that she had brought with her " Leave us" she told them and nodded as they exited the command center " Guys could you leave us I need to talk to my mother" Sabine said to Hera, Kanan, and Zeb the three left General Houston patted Tristan on the shoulder " good luck son" He tells him and walks away leaving the three in the command center " Explanation now" Ursa said to her son and daughter 


the Umbaran air base was know under Easy companies control after being promoted to  the rank of captain Ezra was with rex and the commander of easy company in the commander center on the top level of the tower that over looked the whole base they where looking at a hologram of three towers

" Okay are intelligence boys have just  informed me that eight miles east from the capital are flack towers with guns powerful enough to nock out one of battle ships now where looking at three towers in a triangle formation one on the right one on the left and one in the middle between the two now rex I need you to lead platoons to the tower on the right and Martinez" the commander of easy company said catching ezra's attention " Your going to be leading two platoons as well but there from the 10th mountain division I need at least some of men from Easy to stay here" the commander said to ezra "understood sir but what about the last tower?" Ezra asked pointing at the last flak tower in the hologram

" the Russians called that one now you going to be brought in via black hawks the towers are at least 128 feet tall but members of  1st and 2nd infantry divisions are going to assist you in the assault to try and raw out any enemy forces that are inside while 64th floor. The 58th army of the Russian army are going to beheading towards the  last tower  the tower themselves are at least four miles from each other  in case any of you need back it won't be that far is that understood?" the commander asked Ezra and rex " Sir yes sir" the two said as the exited the commander center 

Twenty minutes later 

UH 60s are  starting up  there engines as Ezra and rex lead there platoons to them " Good luck kid!" Rex shouted " you to Rex!" ezra shouted back as he went to the chopper the helicopters took off from the airbase and made there way towards the tower ezra looked out from the right side of the chopper to see explosions in the distance  he knew that invasion was in full swing but heard that the Umbarans where using suicide bomber tactics from some men in easy company 

Ezra was determined to get this done so he could get back to Sabine and help her with there child before there born 

Thirty minutes later

Later the choppers where approaching the towers but where being fired at " this is blackjack 2-4 where approaching the sixty fourth floor  get read boys because were going in hot!" the pilot shouted through the comms as the approach the towers down below the 1st and 2nd infantry divisions where engaging the Imperial and Umbaran forces down below bullets and blaster bolts where flying different directions the US forces where advancing to the towers pushing the enemy forces back  

at the middle tower 

the 58th Russian army mows through the enemy forces with ease the as the imperial and Umbaran force struggle to push them back

In the left tower ezra and his men where in a fire fight on a the 65 floor as they ran to imperial forces trying to make there way down to the lower levels to assist  the forces ezra was taking cover behind a wall as storm troopers continue to fire ezra grabs a flash bang pulls the pin and throws it at them before they could figure out what the threw the flash bang explodes blinding them temporally ezra use this to his advantage and uses the dark saber and cuts them down before they could react 

" alright lets keep moving we have to silence those guns or there going to shouted down are warships so reload and keep moving understood" Ezra said to his men who replied with " SIR! YES! SIR!" and kept moving to the upper levels

in the right tower 

rex and his men where encountering little resistance there where small three or four man squads but they where gun down before they could fire " Uh sir permission to speak ?" A soldier asked " Permission granted " Rex said " Sir I notice that his tower isn't heavily guarded like the others do you think that this might be a trap?" the soldier asked rex.

Rex knew about traps like these from back in the clone wars so he knew that the soldier could be right " Maybe but right now we need to focus on the mission at hand that means finger on the trigger and staying focused" Rex said to the soldier in a commanding tone as the continued to the tope floor of the tower to destroy the guns

( I'm gonna stop it right there and let me now what you think )                                                                 

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