Chapter 54

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On the planet of Naboo the home of emperor Palpatine and the birth and  resting place of Senator  Padame Amidala the wife of fallen Jedi knight Anakin skywalker was a peaceful and green planet unlike most planets in the galaxy the empire treated this one with care not want to damage  it or anger the emperor but one day all that changed 

Elements of  1st, 2nd, and 3rd Marine Battalions where sent to secure the planet along with them where elements of the  British, German and Japanese military as well as two Battalions of the Mexican army and the Russian 35th and 36th army the invasion of Naboo would do damage to empire 

On the planet surface the once calm green plains where being trampled by Russian tanks that rank from  T-72's T-80's BMPT  Terminator T-90's and T-14's move across the grass filed  making there way towards the nearest  town  

the empire was fighting like hell to makes sure the planet did not fall to the allies the battle orbit of the planet was one that neither side would have dread of for those on the imperial side it was like they where living there on clone wars trying to hold the line but the imperial flee consisting of ten star destroyers and eight imperial cruisers couldn't hold

three destroyers and six cruisers where gone the rest of the imperial where forced to retreat For earth four Battle ships three Cruisers and two Destroyers had been destroyed in the battle the ret where in tact or damage 

On the ground the battle was bloody earth and imperial forces clashed day and night the once green plains of Naboo where painted red with blood of the soldier from both sides the peaceful towns and villages where lying in shambles as the imperial forces tried to hold there ground  but with the overwhelming force of earth's forces they couldn't The US, British, German, Japanese, and Mexican forces that captured small towns or villages had taken prisoner and brought in relief supplies for the people Food, water,  Medicine, Blankets any thing to help out the people who where effected by the fighting 

The Russian force how ever provided very little for the people and kept most of the supplies to them selves as for prisoners the Russian only kept the officers alive but for the standard storm troopers they where executed to them the more storm troopers they kill is to avenge the there fallen brothers who did protecting mother Russia 

At night  the night sky  was brighten By blaster fire and machine guns 

the Russian rocket Artillery launched at night firing on the imperial forces hitting there fuel and ammunition  supplies then the infantry would move in for the kill.

Senator Bail organa who had secretly supplied the rebel alliance with ships was starting to worry about  this he knew that from captain Syndulla report that there was going to be a war but he didn't know that it was going to be this devastating but what bothered him even more was the fact the citizens of different race where joining earths military in the fight against the empire 

this caused and outrage of the imperial senate for the citizens of the empire to turn there back on the empire and join earth to fight against them but what brought Senator A bit of Relief was that the empire was busy fighting there war with earth it would allow the rebellion to grow and become stronger and with Earth as there allies they would provide them weapons to help fight the empire but he hoped that this conflict w doesn't tear the galaxy apart like the previous one had 

Back on earth General Houston was with Alrich Wren in the war department " Is there a reason why you brought here?" Alrich asked General Houston. General Houston let out a sigh and looked at Alrich 

" Look I I'm gonna say  the same thing that I said to your son. I know that you and your people consider yourselves honorable  and don't want interference from out sider because it would disgrace yourselves but what your people did what your people did the ones that are loyal to the empire they slaughtered men women and children some that couldn't even talk  or write yet hell some that haven't even be born yet" General Houston said to  Alrich who kept his expression 

" Look I mean no offense when I say this but what you and your people are nothing more but terrorist who kill  just because they think it's honorable but it's not because we fought against them here before this war now I'm going to give you  a chance like I gave your son  a chance at redemption to help us against the empire and win this war. so what do you say ?" General Houston asked Alrich and what happened next shocked him 

" everything you said about me and my people is true for a thousand of years we consider ourselves honorable  but are actions say something different and I now that the past can't be changed but the future can be made differently so I will help you if it means to redeem  what Mandalorians have to galaxy" Alrich said to general Houston  causing him to smile " Thank you with your help this could help bring the War to quicker end " General Houston said to Alrich 


Tristan and Maria where standing out on the small balcony of the there hotel room Tristan had brought Maria out to tell her something 

" so what is it you wanted to tell?" Maria asked him with a small smile. Tristan took a deep breath and turned around to face 

" Maria I know that we have been together for not that long and I'm happy to now that where going to have a child and I want to be more than jus boy friend and girlfriend I want to be with you for the rest of my life" Tristan said to Maria 

" what are you saying?" Maria asked him with a shocked look. Tristan got down on one knee and pulled out a little black box an opened to reveal a Princess Diana inspired emerald ring with a diamond Halo 

" Maria Cortez will you Marry Me?" Tristan asked her she covered her mouth with ears of joy coming from her eyes " oh Tristan Yes I will marry you!" Maria said with happiness in her voice as she hugged him and kissed him 

( I' m gonna stop it righter there and let me know what you think)                                                            

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