Chapter 51

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A team of US Navy seals infiltrated an imperial prison complex " alright command this is task force blue we entered the complex  locating HVI now how copy over?" the navy seal commander said to his commander 

" roger that task force blue be advise NORAD intercepted enemy chatter about a weapon that was being built at your location call sign the duchess this is your secondary  objective the only thing that matters is the HVI how copy over?" the commanding office asked the navy seals " Solid copy task force blue out" the seal commander said as he turned off the comm link and proceed with the mission

Alrich wren was the count of clan wren long unlike most Mandalorians  he wasn't as violent like the rest of them but he followed there traditions like all Mandalorians do not long after the weapon that his daughter vanished from the imperial academy he had gone to Mandalore to make amends with Gar saxon and the empire but it resulted in his capture and his son joining the imperial commandos of Mandalore.

Now he sits in a cell just waiting to see what faith is to bring him freedom or death he just sits in his cell thinking that today would be like any other day in an imperial prison    but what he didn't know is that to day would be different 

Out side of his cell two stormtroopers and imperial Mandalorians where standing guard until small banging sound of a can hitting the floor was heard " what's that?" a storm trooper asked his comrade but before he could answer a bright flashed blinded all four of them blinding them then the Navy seals came from around the corner on both side  with suppressed M4s and fired two shots one to the chest and one to the stomach  soon the guards where lying dead on the floor

" alright get that cell open we have to make sure it's him" the seal commander said to his men  One of the seals was working on opening the door while the rest stood guard  " And that should do it" a navy seal said as the door to reveal a Alrich " hold on stay right where you are" The seal commander said as he grabs Alrich by the Face and the looks at a picture of him that was provided to them 

" command positive ID on HVI where are know moving to Secondary objective how copy over?" the Seal commander said through the comms " solid copy the duchess and all of the information about the weapon are located at inside courtyard located on the other side of the prison  and be advised you exfil is about forty minutes out so your gonna have to make it quick " command said to the seal " Don't worry we'll get it done" the seal commander said 

The Seals and Alrich  where moving through the prison as quickly as the could and doing there best to avoid getting caught they slowly made there way toward the court yard as the approached the ledge of one of the upper level and look down to see the weapon on the floor right below them 

" Miller where in position are the lights ready to go out?" the Seal commander asked one of his men " Yeah get your night vision ready because the lights are about to go out in three, two, one" Just then the lights in the prison went out and using there night vision goggles seal on the floor above and below opened fired on the imperial guards in the court yard the guards couldn't fire a single shot due to the fact that they couldn't see anything once the lights turned back on the court yard was filled with dead imperials all over the place

"Clear!" " Clear!" the seals said as they secured the room " Garcia get some C4 on that thing he pointed at the duchess attached to the walker " Brown get that counsel online and wipe every piece of Data on this thing know!" the Seal  commander ordered his men as the rest stood guard 

Alrich looked these men he knew that Mandalorians where feared  warriors but these men weren't Mandalorians these men where something else that could possibly rival mandalore but he didn't want to jump to conclusions these men are rescuing him and are destroying a weapon that his daughter had made " Alright boss information is gone very last piece "Brown told his Commander " Good Garcia how are we doing on the C4?" the seal commander asked his men  ' just about done boss and I hooked up some to some fuel barrels  when they go off this place is gonna go off like a roman candle " Garcia said to his commander  "Alright lets head outside are should be hear by now" the commander said to his mane and Alrich 

As the there seal made there way outside a chinook was about to land in front of them " alright boys the black out you caused scrambled there Rada know lets get out of here before they come back online" the pilot says to the Navy seals and alrich as the boarded the chopper 

" Brown blow it" the seal commander ordered his men as he press the detonator ins ide the court yard the C4 goes of destroying the duchess and everything around  including Gar Saxons brother Tiber Saxon and some men who had gone to investigate why his men haven't reported in from the court yard 

Alrich looks at the explosion and then back to the Navy seals " If you don't mind me asking but who are you ?" alrich asked them " Where US Navy Seals from Earth and that's pretty much all I can tell you that and to let you know that where going to earth there's someone who wants to see you" The Navy seal commander said to alrich  who nodded he didn't know what earth was or a US navy Seal as well but he was grateful that  he was freed from prison but what he didn't know is who was he was he going to meet when he gets to earth

( I hope you like this chapter)                                                     

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