Chapter 58

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Ezra(in Mandalorian armor) and kanan where walking side by side around chopper base seeing pilots move about preparing there A-wings star fighters for an assault to show the galaxy that the rebellion isn't weak or scared to fight 

" I can't believe Hera did it todays the days when the empire finally see's what the rebellion's made of" Ezra said to kanan 

" Well it wasn't just Hera" Kanan said to ezra " Oh I know It was You zeb, Sabine, ahsoka, Rex and chopper helped a little" Ezra said to kanan causing him to chuckle  " It was also you that helped out as well you see ezra when you came with back from earth I was hesitant to train you because mine and Ahsoka's where limited I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able teach you all the way" Kanan said to ezra

"that's not true kanan you taught me a lot even if I haven't been with you guys for a long time " Ezra told kanan " Yeah even with you two sabers I was afraid that I didn't have much to teach you" Kanan said to ezra referring to when he showed kanan the crystal that he brought back from Umbara Kanan had told him it was a lightsaber Crystal and from there Ezra made his lightsaber ( Picture's Kylo Ren's lightsaber but with a green blade )

Before ezra could say anything hera had called them to the command center " Hey speaking of Sabine where is she I haven't seen her lately ?" Kanan asked having not seen the young Mandalorian for the past few days " she's on krownest with her mother and Fen Rau  ever since her brother and father came back from earth along with the brother fiancé she wanted to spend some time with them so she took the phantom  she took it because she knew that I needed the gauntlet for the assault " Ezra told kanan 

Just then the sirens sounded " All ships battle stations!" Hera ordered from the command center  " Hera what's going on !?" Ezra asked her " Thrawn knows about our base and is jamming are long range transmissions  where going to have to scuttle the mission" hera told Ezra with disappointment in her voice " I

"it's okay hera Colonel Blake told me that elements of  the 23rd, 25th and 24 marine battalions and 4th, 6th and 7th us army infantry battalions along with the Japanese, Chinese, Jordanian and Israeli British, Italian, and Russian forces are on there way to Lohtal this morning with any luck they'll take care of the factory along side your contacts " Ezra told Hera Let's hope so" Hera said to him 

" Kana I'm going to need you and ezra take the gauntlet  where going to need all the help where going to get " Hera told kanan " No Hera I have to go out into the wilderness  to find some to see if he they can help" kanan said confusing both hera and ezra 

" what are you talking about kanan ?" ezra asked him not knowing  what he was talking about "
 you wouldn't know what I'm talking about even if I told you" Kanan says as he gets on to his speeder and head into the wilderness 


An imperial fleet emerged from hyperspace  thrawn stood on the bridge of his command ship with governor Pryce of lothal and a traitor agent kallus  "hm it appears  that earths military is based here as well " thrawn said as he notices  the US and British Warships above the planet along with the rebel fleet 

Governor Pryce looked at the warships " Is this really what the earthlings have to fight against us ?" Pryce said with sarcasm to her earths military was nothing more but a waste of time and weaker than the rebellion " Pathetic" she simply stated

" Oh I wouldn't say that governor since it was earth's military force that have taken a good amount of fuel and munitions  depots and base and let's not forget the fall of umbara and Naboo" Agent kallus said as he was on his knees with two death troopers guarding him

Pryce looked at agent kallus with hatred having to see a loyal servant of  the empire betray them " Agent kallus is right governor" thrawn said as he walk towards them " the natives of earth have showed there military strength on the battle field and in space it wouldn't be wise to underestimate them for there military force is stronger then you realize" Thrawn said to governor Pryce  " Gran admiral sir We have enemy bombers attacking from are starboard side " an officer said as thrawn looked to see B-30s and y wings firing on his star destroyer 

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